Can you unscramble these character names from The Andy Griffith Show?

Who exactly is this Elmer Punch feller?

The census man has come to Mayberry. And this government feller from the big city (Raleigh, that is) has brought a fancy computer. Only, there's one problem. The darn technology has gone and mixed up everyone's name!

Well, that's where you come in. You, being an expert on all things The Andy Griffith Show, are now officially deputized. Below is a list of scrambled names. They are all citizens of Mayberry. See if you can sort out the letters and match the face.

Good luck!

Watch The Andy Griffith Show on MeTV!

Weeknights at 8 & 8:30, Sundays at 6 & 6:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Who the heck is Booger Yelp?
  2. Who is this fellow Beef Fry Ian?
  3. Who is Dan Royalty?
  4. Who is Charlie Englander?
  5. Who is Elroy Patio?
  6. Who is Elmer Punch?
  7. Who do you figure this Pugs Arrowhead is?
  8. Who is Brent Assets?
  9. Who is Waylon Folds?
  10. Who is Lela Mouth?
  11. Finally, we just gotta sort out this Flash Loiterer.

Can you unscramble these character names from The Andy Griffith Show?

Your Result...

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Muleskinner 31 months ago
11/11. It took some thought. 🤔
RedSamRackham 34 months ago
* Perfect 11 of 11 score but had to google singing farmer's name! ☺
WILD 34 months ago
I'm still not much of a fan of this goody goody show... and it shows.

You got 7 out of 11
Shucks! Looks like a few of them got away from you. That's okay, the fine folks of Mayberry will sort it all out eventually.
DerekBird 36 months ago
Not really much of a fan of this goody goody show... and it shows.

You got 7 out of 11
Shucks! Looks like a few of them got away from you. That's okay, the fine folks of Mayberry will sort it all out eventually.
pw 63 months ago
11/11. Had to guess on a couple of them. Better to be lucky than good I guess.
EllisClevenger 65 months ago
You got 9 out of 11
Nice work! You're sharp enough to be sheriff around here.
Geronimo 68 months ago
Wow, I thought I was going to mess that up for sure. I just had to remeber the characters name...................................10/11
booster 69 months ago
11/11 The last was the tough. The rest were easy.
Wufferduck 70 months ago
Got 9-11 because while scrolling down my iPhone picked two wrong ones before I could see my choices!! Bad iPhone!! So I got 9-9 and 0-2 for my iPhone!!
Allison 70 months ago
9/11 - I got the 2 Taylors wrong - Andy and Opie lol
Terrence 70 months ago
Tough quiz, but I passed........................10/11
Robert 70 months ago
11/11. Fun quiz. Had to slow down and think it through on a few.
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