Be the studio boss and pick the crime show that will run the most seasons

For true fans of crime TV, this is rookie stuff.

Ever wonder what it would be like to be a studio boss, in charge of picking the shows that air on TV?

Well, today's your chance to test just how good you'd be at the job. 

Below, choose between the biggest hit crime shows and try to pick the one that was originally on air for the most seasons. 

Only a true studio boss can pick the most enduring hit on their very first try. Good luck!
  1. Pick the classic crime show that was on the air for the most seasons:

Be the studio boss and pick the crime show that will run the most seasons

Your Result...

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ndebrabant 66 months ago

This show was on air for the longest.
Good eye, studio boss! Hawaii Five-O was on air for 12 seasons!
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