Can you solve MORE clues about classic TV from real Jeopardy episodes?

See if you can pass the ultimate classic TV trivia test.

Back in January, we posted our first Jeopardy! quiz and it was so popular, we went digging for even more TV-themed clues to see if we could stump you!

So, consider this round as Double Jeopardy, because the questions are tougher and the stakes are raised.

Got what it takes to be today's TV-themed Jeopardy champ? Get your proverbial buzzer finger ready and take the quiz below!

Thanks again to the creators of this impressive archive of Jeopardy! clues.
  1. First round starts now! Category: 3-Letter Word. Clue: Where things are nipped in, or Lou's partner.
  2. Category: Trios. Clue: Classic TV puppet show which also featured Beulah Witch & Delores Dragon.
  3. Category: “Jack” of all trades. Clue: 2nd generation pop singer, he's sung on every "Love Boat" voyage.
  4. Category: TV trivia. Clue: Every week this comedienne was "so glad we had this time together."
  5. Category: Palindromes. Clue: Gary Burghoff's role in "M*A*S*H."
  6. Category: Television. Clue: Played WJM's man-hunting "happy homemaker" Sue Ann Nivens.
  7. Category: TV trivia. Clue: He went from the Ponderosa to the prairie.
  8. Category: TV detectives. Clue: Ex-"radio receptionist" now "partner in crime" with Lynda Carter.
  9. Category: TV trivia. Clue: Jackie Gleason show that rejected titles "The Lovers" & "The Couple Next Door."
  10. Category: TV trivia. Clue: Series which pitted "CONTROL" against "KAOS."
  11. Category: TV trivia. Clue: In court, he'd always make mincemeat of Hamilton Burger.
  12. Category: TV trivia. Clue: Crooner who was 1st offered role of "Columbo" but turned it down because he didn't need the money.
  13. Category: TV Animals. Clue: In this series, Starbuck's little friend Boxie had a pet Daggit.
  14. All right, contestant, you've made it to the final round and, as usual, it's a tough one. Category: Television. Clue: In fall of 1985, 5 of 8 prime time network series on Mondays had this word in their title.

Can you solve MORE clues about classic TV from real Jeopardy episodes?

Your Result...

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Adamtwelvia 4 months ago
Got them all right! Didn't think I would.
seltaeb 8 months ago
Alot of old quizzes from a few years back But that's alright, they're new to me. By the way on question #12, I read that Bing Crosby turned down Columbo is because he said it would interfere with his golf playing. It's just as well. I couldn't picture anyone else but Peter Falk wearing that rumpled raincoat and beat up shoes.
ndebrabant 54 months ago
You got 13 out of 14
When it comes to classic TV clues, you're the Jeopardy champ! Now put that beautiful brain to work on solving more Jeopardy clues!
EllisClevenger 56 months ago
You got 13 out of 14
When it comes to classic TV clues, you're the Jeopardy champ! Now put that beautiful brain to work on solving more Jeopardy clues!
Missed #2.
ndebrabant 70 months ago

You got 12 out of 14
When it comes to classic TV clues, you're the Jeopardy champ! Now put that beautiful brain to work on solving more Jeopardy clues!
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