Are these images of Buddy Ebsen in The Beverly Hillbillies or in something else?

He played many hillbillies, cowboys and hobos during his career.


Buddy Ebsen began acting professionally in the 1930s and continued all the way through the '90s! He appeared in numerous movies and portrayed beloved characters on the small screen.

How well do you know the many roles of Buddy Ebsen? Can you tell them apart from his long stint starring on The Beverly Hillbillies? Take the quiz below to find out!

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Weeknights at 9 PM, Saturdays at 6 & 6:30 AM, Sundays at 2 & 2:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Is this Buddy Ebsen as Jed Clampett?
  2. What is he in here?
  3. What about in this one?
  4. Is this the poor mountaineer who struck oil?
  5. What show is Ebsen on here?
  6. What show is this courtroom scene from?
  7. This character looks wealthy. Does he live in Beverly Hills?
  8. What show is this cowboy on?
  9. Is this Ebsen on 'The Beverly Hillbillies'?
  10. What is Ebsen performing in here?
  11. Is this a picture of Jed Clampett?
  12. Last but not least, what show is this image from?

Are these images of Buddy Ebsen in The Beverly Hillbillies or in something else?

Your Result...

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torgman 43 months ago
Is he wearing a phony mustache?

If yes, it's from The Beverly Hillbillies.

If not, it's something else.

Not that hard to do.
RobertM 46 months ago
In #12, he played a college math professor who got involved with organized crime.
DerekBird 55 months ago
You got 11 out of 12
Did you strike oil… or strike out?
jeff1968me 55 months ago
Think I struck oil on this quiz about Buddy Essen.
savoycheer 55 months ago
10/12 not too shabby but should have done better.
Jeffrey 56 months ago
I see Ebsen and Nancy Culp (talk about a cold war..) they couldnt stand each other
L 57 months ago
You should have put a picture of him in Captain January. That would confuse almost everybody!
srstein 57 months ago
9/12! My husband owes me dinner!
Randall 57 months ago
They should have had one from the wizard of Oz if he hadn't been allergic to that face paint his entire career would have been different or would it? Love to hear from you
srstein Randall 57 months ago
I think it would have Christian (Buddy Ebsen’s real name) on the map earlier
Lantern 57 months ago
He also played the husband Audrey Hepburn left in " Breakfast at Tiffany's" (he was trying to get her back).
frances3agape Lantern 29 months ago
And was in an early episode of Twilight Zone
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