Celebrate Star Trek Day with these new Star Trek T-shirts in the MeTV Store

Boldly go where no fan has gone before while showing your Trekkie pride in these new shirts!

In honor of Star Trek Day, we have added more than 20 new Star Trek T-shirts to the MeTV Store! 

Click here to shop the entire Star Trek selection.

Watch Star Trek on MeTV!

Saturdays at 10 PM

*available in most MeTV markets

1. Star Trek - Illustrated Crew


Featuring a classic illustration of the Enterprise crew.


2. Star Trek - Kirk n Spock


Can you name a more iconic duo?


3. Star Trek - Stunning


A "stunning" T-shirt!


4. Star Trek - Duel In The Desert


Commemorate "the greatest fight in the universe" with the Duel in the Desert T-shirt!


5. Star Trek - Press A To Transport


An awesome 8-bit design for gamer Trek fans.


6. Star Trek - Khaaaaaan


A T-shirt that you can almost hear!


7. Star Trek - The Real McCoy


This shirt is the real McCoy.


8. Star Trek - Classic Crew Illustrated


A very colorful, retro design of the Enterprise crew.


9. Star Trek - What Would Sulu Do?


Sometimes you've got to ask youself, "what would Sulu do?"


10. Star Trek - Eye of the Storm


A comic book-style design featuring Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.


11. Shop All Star Trek Apparel

Click here to shop the entire selection of Star Trek apparel in the MeTV Store.

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Saddlebags 35 months ago
If it was just between Sulu or Checkov, who would Cap. Kirk put in charge???? That is why the tee shirt with a picture of Checkov say What would Sulu do???? That IS the question 🖖❓❓❓❓🖖 Logical
JHP 41 months ago
love star trek - esp DS9 - but I would need a card for the Dork club IF I bought a shirt
Mirramanee JHP 41 months ago
Just send in a scan of the receipt for your shirt and we will send you the card. And don't forget to wear it LOUD & PROUD!
JDnHuntsvilleAL 41 months ago
WHEN is "Star Trek Day"?
Mirramanee JDnHuntsvilleAL 41 months ago
Star Trek Day is September 8 because that was the date that the original Star Trek premiered back in 1966.
Catman 41 months ago
I'm a little confused about #9. Isn't that an image of Chekov? I mean, I can understand why Chekov would ask the question "what would Sulu do?" but I think an image of George Takei would be better here. Am I missing some subtle allusion?
Mirramanee Catman 41 months ago
Actually, I thought the same thing. At the least, they should have had BOTH characters shown on the shirt. Maybe it was a printing error?
Catman Mirramanee 41 months ago
Or maybe the shirt was made by someone who had no clue.
Runeshaper 41 months ago
Happy Star Trek Day! Great shirts! Live long and prosper (-:
AgingDisgracefully 41 months ago
How about a t-shirt from the SNL where Shatner tells the herd to move out of their parent's basement, kiss a girl, experience the world, etc.?
Tough part would be getting Lorne's permission.
He's a control kind of guy.
The classic "Get a Life" skit! Yeah, that would be awesome!
LoveMETV22 41 months ago
I'm surprised MeTV didn't mention the Live Stream Event that is being done tonight In honor of Star Trek Day. It is one of their regular programs granted it's only shown once a week. There's most likely a few Trekkies that are MeTV viewers.

Peter_Falk_Fan LoveMETV22 41 months ago
Thank you! I shall check it out.
Moriyah 41 months ago
They should make Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. shirts soon! Who agrees with me on that (Let me know)
JHP Moriyah 41 months ago
"I cant hear you!!!!!!!!"
Moriyah JHP 41 months ago
I said they need to get the license to make Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. t-shirts!
JHP Moriyah 41 months ago
I wasnt going at war with you:)

its all good - wasn't trying to be an @ss
JHP Moriyah 41 months ago
for me I think frank sutton made that show - just my 2 cent opinion - watched the show way back when cant watch it now
Moriyah JHP 41 months ago
why can't you watch it now?
Deleted 41 months ago
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Moriyah 41 months ago
You're right, Harlow! We want MeTV to get the license to make Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. t-shirts soon! Hopefully before my birthday!
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Moriyah 41 months ago
And who's that person who can make t-shirts from any show you want?
41 months ago
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Moriyah 41 months ago
Yes. I still want them to get the license to make Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. t-shirts. I'd seriously love it if they did!
AnnieM 41 months ago
Is there a website?
JHP 41 months ago
don't ever want one of these t-shirts but they as everything else is based on what the dopes in society will pay - fin
Mirramanee 41 months ago
The price is likely due to the high licensing fees being paid to whoever controls the ST license.
Snickers 41 months ago
That would be Paramount.
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