They’re Creepier by the Dozen- But Add One More , and You Can’t Ignore “13 Ghosts”- Tonight!

Posted on March 9, 2024

Tonight on MeTV- test your murderous math skills by seeing how many sinister spirits it takes to add up to the title total- as we bring back a William Castle favorite! You’re invited to a chilling housewarming party at a house inherited by a family- who quickly discover that, among its features, besides spacious rooms, a live-in housekeeper, and antique furniture- are strange secrets, deadly dangers and some terrorizing tenants from the spirit world! There’s nastiness by the numbers in “13 Ghosts”!

This 1960 films begins during some tough times for the Zorba family- dad Cyrus Zorba is financially strapped, resulting in his furniture being repossessed. It couldn’t come on a worse day- the birthday of his son Buck. Blowing out the candles, Buck makes a heartfelt birthday wish – which suddenly seems to be coming true! A message arrives bringing news that Cyrus’ uncle, who was deeply into the occult, has passed away- and has left his grand old mansion to -none other than Cyrus! The family is delighted to be inheriting a huge house, free and clear of any debt, as it seems like things are looking up- or- are they?

Cyrus and his wife Hilda meet with lawyer Benjamin Rush to get all aspects of the inheritance settled. During the meeting,Rush gives them an additional item willed to them by their late uncle -a strange-looking pair of glasses with a sort of “steampunk” feel to them. They take this odd bequest to their new home, which they find is indeed fully furnished- and watched over the late uncle’s creepy housekeeper.

As they celebrate their “good fortune”- Medea, their pretty daughter, decides to play with a Ouija board that just happens to be laying around. The parlor game with the “spirit board” takes an unsettling turn, when it reveals that there are ghosts in the house, supposedly collected from all over the world by dear uncle! One more thing- these wraiths have a tendency towards being homicidal!

Cyrus finds that the weird glasses they’ve inherited are used to reveal the presence of the ghostly inhabitants of the house. He stumbles upon his uncle’s hidden room- which is infested by evil spirits! This encounter prompts him to visit the museum he works at to see if a learned old friend there might provide some answers. Back at home, more answers are revealed by the creepy old housekeeper- as the malevolent manifestations continue, and the legend of a hidden fortune somewhere in the house becomes the source of mortal danger!

Most viewers know that this film was remade in 2001, in slightly more modern fashion- but the original is a perfect example of the typical gimmickry with which Castle loved to frame his films. This one bragged of being presented in the process of “Illusion-O” – utilizing Castle’s famed “ghost viewers” – which braver theatre goers could use to see the ghosts on screen, while the more squeamish in the audience could use them to avoid the frights. We’ll demonstrate how the ghost viewers worked, and introduce you to the cast, which includes familiar faces like Martin Milner, Rosemary De Camp, and “Wizard of Oz” ‘s Wicked Witch of the West herself, Margaret Hamilton. Naturally, we get the usual hauntingly hammy cameo by Castle himself, and be ready for plenty of Sven embellishments- including our rundown of the list of the thirteen ghosts, for those keeping score; a song with Doug Graves; and, bring back a much-requested featurette- our Svensurrounded version of the old “Flash Gordon” serial!!

"13 Ghosts" will appear right before your eyes tonight on MeTV at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central- and, if you're not sure of the channel or time of the broadcast where you are, consult your local listings or . MeTV invites you to join the many fans haunting Twitter /X by live-Tweeting during the show-using the hashtag #svengoolie n your postings. We have again been trending nationally among the most Tweeted about topics, thanks to you! This week our Chicago viewers will “see”- you know what I mean- “The Invisible Man’s Revenge” on a different one of our channels- “The U”- at 11 am. This is due to the high school basketball finals on CW26 this week.


This week, the Super 7 company which made a great little full-color Svengoolie figure has stepped up again to present a new black and white version of the figure- in tribute to the many black and white movies we show! You will want to add it to your Sven collection, there’s no grey area on that!

YOU can be a “ghost viewer”- just hold your breath and count to 13-tonight on MeTV !

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 during show

ProfessorDale 4 months ago
Watching The Three Stooges' "Three Dark Horses," one of the trio's few forays into political satire. It's watchable, with a few funny lines, but very uneven, with too many protacted gags that they had used time and time before.
1MikeM 4 months ago
...and dat was The Ritz Brothers Meet Dracula...and dat's da name a dat tune!
Catbat 4 months ago
Howdy All! Happy My Birthday 😂
Thank you all So much for the birthday recognition.
You are Absolutely the Best and I Love you All!
Mikeyyy Catbat 4 months ago
Well hello there Miss birthday gal!
Catbat 4 months ago
BEATNGU2 4 months ago
Ok Crew its been Real, Got a Certain Parade ☘️To attend and a load of Corned Beef, Cabbage Potatoes to prepare for tomorrow’s show !
Night all, Bee 🐝 well and God Bless you all ! Didn’t Red Skelton coin that or somethin like it !
Anyway Nite all !!!
BEATNGU2 4 months ago
BEATNGU2 Smilodon 4 months ago
Ooooops one more salvo
For you Smily before I hit da hay - this felonious feline rehabbed after a mild mishap - check out the mitts on dis boy - no snowshoe 🐇 gonna ‘scape him !!!
G’nite !
BEATNGU2 4 months ago
A very floofy Bad Cat ✨👍❤️💯✨
Mikeyyy 4 months ago
Katink, I found my quote for the race!
BEATNGU2 4 months ago
CountCurt comment please on your brethren here lazy as usual just hangin around- get a job already 😂
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Klaatu BEATNGU2 4 months ago
Harmless, but I wouldn’t want to bump into one in a dark alley 😳
Jack Smilodon 4 months ago
[image= the Impala.jpg]
Smilodon 4 months ago
This comment has been removed.
Jack 4 months ago
BEATNGU2 4 months ago
At the nursery today getting some supplies I came across and picked up a few for my terrarium,
No I’m NOT naming Her Audrey II
BEATNGU2 4 months ago
I read in the local gardening column these shouldn't be touched nor triggered, as they will digest themselves. Can this be true? Really, I have a black thumb for houseplants, always they die no matter what advice I follow- except for "quit buying plants!"🤣
BEATNGU2 Smilodon 4 months ago
Correct , if the inner trip hairs are sprung the trap closes meal or no meal destroying that part of the plant- I prefer pitcher plants here in my carnivorous flora terrarium- slip in and you fall into a vat of acid like liquid - What a way to go !
BEATNGU2 4 months ago
Noice VP reference 😆. Are these things hard to care for? My Mom turned her condo into a jungle, pothos vines, succulents, odd plants from Louisiana, and even though she loved them it consumed several hours of every day. And she hybrid roses outside, more hours. My plant skill is death, picture the effect of the HP universe Dementors on the flora. I'm unintentionally worse 😿
BEATNGU2 Smilodon 4 months ago
Ezee peezee - been caring for plants flowers and I’m a certified Bonsai enthusiast
40 yrs doin this - my wife want to kill me and my 100’s of Flora - 😂
BEATNGU2 4 months ago
Guaranteed, I walk into your greenhouse to water, you're looking at Dementor level die off. Inside plants and I just don't agree😿
Cloverfield BEATNGU2 4 months ago
I use to keep carnivorous plants…. Kept them in a 2x2x4 terrarium. We had a mandatory evacuation of the island due to a hurricane… power went out… got pretty warm… they all passed away…. 😞
abc123 4 months ago
also: Happy Birthday to Catbat. 29?
abc123 4 months ago
off topic: just saw a panda express ad, saying firecracker shrimp is back. i say bring back garlic dragon chicken. it has my two favorite things: Garlic and dragon!
BEATNGU2 4 months ago
Meggy of the Miocene epoch ( not Newspaper 📰) damn we’re gonna need a bigger ocean 🌊
BEATNGU2 4 months ago
I gots a Meg tooth I found, coastal New Jersey. Just uncool, losing the top of the food chain to a cartilaginous fish thing. Felinoids reject this reality, and stand (dryly) together!😸
abc123 4 months ago
Thanks to this weeks movie taking place in New England, I am going for Clam Chowder snack/dinner (just plain chowder, no ghost peppers this time). I hope there are a couple "themers" (did I just invent a new word?) out there who will go for a funeral based snack!
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BEATNGU2 Jack 4 months ago
Ahhh Boston Scrod !
My fave
Jack BEATNGU2 4 months ago
That’s the original version of the joke!
Jack Smilodon 4 months ago
I stole the joke from Buddy Hackett and modified it to suit the situation.
Katink abc123 4 months ago
We are, abc😀
4 months ago
Hiya all! Posted a Gojira meme for Catbat's Bday😁
I'm watching "This is Spinal Tap" ; if you've not seen this, your life isn't complete ✨🎸🥁🎚️🎙️
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BEATNGU2 Smilodon 4 months ago
An 80 yr old Montana rancher has cloned Giant Argali sheep from a scrap of DNA 🧬 So I’m sure if enough effort was put into it Ligers, Mules and other hybrids can be made to breed naturally But Why ?
BEATNGU2 4 months ago
Let's push the bleeding edge of science past the Jurassic Park level. What did Malcolm (Goldblum) say about "thinking so much about what they could do they never stopped to think if they should do?" Let's recreate our distorted versions of Mammoths, Megs, mixed gen Felinoids (hey, I'd not mind seeing some of my old bros again, certainly there could be megafauna for us to eat 😸
BEATNGU2 Smilodon 4 months ago
Or them eat us !
BTW “Queens” is an excellent show. Thx for da tip
BEATNGU2 4 months ago
CountCurt 4 months ago

After a cooler than average winter, it is nice to see the msgnolias and the rhododendrons start to bloom.
Katink CountCurt 4 months ago
So beautiful, CountCurt!
CountCurt 4 months ago
I love this, milord❤️👍
BEATNGU2 CountCurt 4 months ago
I love Rhododendrons but honestly I prefer
Rhoda Morgenstern
CountCurt Smilodon 4 months ago
Spring is officially around the corner.
CountCurt BEATNGU2 4 months ago
I loved Valerie Harper. We lost her too soon.
Her mother in the show, Nancy Walker, was precious.
TheKodakKid 4 months ago

Happy Birthday, Catbat!

So is “Beware the Ides of March” what people say to Dale, to keep him from forgetting your birthday? Not that any other f us emailed or texted him in the past couple of weeks, making a reference to your birthday.
MrsG TheKodakKid 4 months ago

Is it time to dance yet ?
💜 *_* 💙
Katink MrsG 4 months ago
I'll pile on! Happy birthday, Catbat!
scottieO 4 months ago
Catbat, hope you have a Sventastic Birthday!
Cartoondave 4 months ago
Happy Birthday Catbat stay as wonderful as you are
Cartoondave 4 months ago
Man what a week at work.its been besides having a nose bleed last night, my boss having a bad day yesterday my transportation got me home an hour late both yesterday and Wednesday I can't wait for my boy Vincent Price tomorrow night
MrsG Cartoondave 4 months ago
Wowzer meezer Meester ~ sounds like SvenTherapy is just the remedy for You *_*
Cartoondave MrsG 4 months ago
Sure is MrsG and cartoons tomorrow am too!
Katink Cartoondave 4 months ago
Sending you good weekend vibes, Dave!
LmerFudd Cartoondave 4 months ago
Just count down the days to your retirement and breathe deeply.
Katink 4 months ago
Hiya Katink!
Cartoondave LmerFudd 4 months ago
2 yrs now not June of this year as planned
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