It's a High Price Month- Starting with "House of Wax" Tonight!

Posted on May 7, 2022

Tonight on MeTV- it’s the month of the great Vincent Price’s birth, and we pay tribute to him with a full schedule of some of his most famous horror films! We kick off the celebration tonight with one of his truly memorable roles of the ‘50s- notable for being presented in 3-D ( but shown in 2-D tonight!)-as we usher you into the “House of Wax”!

We visit the New York museum of Professor Henry Jarrod- a gifted sculptor who prefers to create historic tableaus instead of the sensationalistic type displays found in most wax museums. However, with popular tastes being what they are in the early 1900s, these cultural displays don’t bring in enough revenue- so, his business partner, Matthew Burke, feels that, since Jarrod refuses to go the more shocking horrific route, the best profit would be via insurance money- and he proceeds to burn the museum down, with Jarrod trapped inside and thought to be killed in the conflagration!

Time has passed, and years later, we see that Jarrod has miraculously survived-though now he is wheelchair bound, with his hands crippled and unable to sculpt any longer. Regardless, with the help of some assistants, including the mute sculptor Igor, he has built a new wax museum, but his standards appear to have changed- this time, it includes the “house of horrors” type exhibits that Jarrod used to shun.

Meanwhile, lurking out in the streets of New York, a cloaked, disfigured killer has been on a murderous mission. He kills the fiancée of Jarrod’s old partner Burke- who appears to have committed suicide- and soon, the young woman’s body mysteriously disappears from the morgue!

That fiancée Cathy’s roommate Sue, who actually found her friend’s body and came face to frightening face with the killer, joins her sculptor boyfriend Scott, employed by Jarrod, in a visit to the new museum- and is bothered by the fact that the wax figure of Joan of Arc strongly resembles her late friend. Jarrod wheels up in his chair and explains that photos of the dead girl were used as reference in creating the figure. He also suggests that she- Sue- is the perfect model for a new figure of Marie Antoinette, since she has a striking resemblance to his original version that burned in the fire.

However, Sue is not convinced by his story about using photos as his inspiration- and sneaks into the museum to inspect the Joan of Arc statue- leading to a shocking confrontation that could see she herself become a permanent part of the museum collection- and no longer a part of the land of the living!

This 1953 film has beautiful color, and an amazing cast, with, of course, Price as Prof. Jarrod, Charles Bronson (billed as Charles Buchinsky) as his mute lackey Igor, Carolyn Jones, later gaining fame as the “Addams Family” matriarch Morticia( as seen on MeTV), and more- we’ll tell you about the cast, with plenty of information on the production, including an odd irony regarding the director Andre DeToth. And- yes, you’ll see the famed “paddleball” scene, which may have been impressive in 3-D, but now seems fairly goofy! We will also have a special brief tribute to our friend the late Gilbert Gottfried, whom we lost last month.

"House of Wax" opens its doors on MeTV at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central time- if you need help finding where and when it airs in your area, check your local listings, or at The many fans live-Tweeting during the show, using the hashtag #svengoolie , have been keeping our program among the top trending topics nationally on Twitter most Saturday nights, and MeTV encourages you to join in! For our viewers in the Chicago area, at 11 am on CW26, we have an encore showing of the ‘80s remake of “Invaders from Mars” for you to enjoy.

Thanks to everyone for your votes in the national Rondo awards that have gotten me named the favorite horror host of 2021! We are hoping to do a live presentation of our Rondos at a public appearance this summer. We also hope you got to see our epic appearance with our friend Joe Bob Briggs as we helped him celebrate his 100th show on the Shudder network ( now available streaming there). We hope to have him, and mail girl Darcy, join us on our program in the future!

In the meantime, join us tonight as we begin a month of Vincent Price features- and wax nostalgic about one of the great horror icons of all time!

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 during show

daleuhlmann 26 months ago
Now we see Terry-Thomas' stag films!
daleuhlmann 26 months ago
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Deleted 26 months ago
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PatS 26 months ago
Sounds like you are a TRUE fan! Good way to commemorate the day. No more 'til January next year.
classicmovieguy 26 months ago
I would have done the same if I wasn't working.
26 months ago
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LmerFudd 26 months ago
Time for one more Red Bull.
Shayla LmerFudd 26 months ago
So that’s your secret!!😱
The1Butler LmerFudd 26 months ago
Rubber gloves 👍🏻
1MikeM 26 months ago
...and dat was da House of Wax...and dat's da name a dat tune!
Shayla 1MikeM 26 months ago
🤣🤣 Sup man!!
1MikeM Shayla 26 months ago
Shayla 1MikeM 26 months ago
Had a good day?
1MikeM Shayla 26 months ago
Yeah, I guess so. Had chili and crackers for dinner tonight. Made a few of those chocolate chip cookies that you put in the oven. Good stuff!
1MikeM Shayla 26 months ago
How 'bout you? Have a good day?
Mikeyyy 26 months ago
Butler, are you and eastie, westie, or in the middle of the country??
Shayla Mikeyyy 26 months ago
He’s an Eastie! Why?
The1Butler Mikeyyy 26 months ago
Michigan so eastern time zone
LmerFudd 26 months ago
What's the difference between a hippo and a Zippo?
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Carl_N_Brown LmerFudd 26 months ago
I gladly concede to Shayka.
(that was better)
LmerFudd CrazyK 26 months ago
Bill Bixby, a one season wonder.
Shayla Carl_N_Brown 26 months ago
You tots spelled my name wrong!!🤣🤣
Carl_N_Brown Shayla 26 months ago
I blame autocorrect.
Carl_N_Brown 26 months ago
The Final Countdown for Friday 13th May 2022.
And we were there.
Shayla Carl_N_Brown 26 months ago
We lived to tell the tale!!🤣🤣
Katink Carl_N_Brown 26 months ago
Oh, I remember those "You were there" films in school, Carl!
Drang 26 months ago
Close to the record tonight!
Shayla Drang 26 months ago
What’s the record?
Mikeyyy Drang 26 months ago
What is the record??
Drang Shayla 26 months ago
IIRC, 4400+. Before my time, someone who was there might be along shortly to tell us when, and what the movie was.
Shayla Drang 26 months ago
MADave Drang 26 months ago
I don't remember what movie but the record was 4448
Mikeyyy MADave 26 months ago
Thnx Dave!
Shayla MADave 26 months ago
CrazyK 26 months ago
15 minutes for the race!!! Get ready!!!
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Shayla The1Butler 26 months ago
He’s put on leave! He ran out of peanut butter!!
Shayla FKrueger 26 months ago
I’m waiting for the 100% off tickets!!🤣🤣
CrazyK FKrueger 26 months ago
Yes! Hilarious!!!
Catbat 26 months ago
The Case of my Beloved Batman!
Yes he too was on Perry Mason!
MADave Catbat 26 months ago
Just watched te on my dvd set the other day or so and thought of you right away
Shayla 26 months ago
20 minutes!!
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LmerFudd Shayla 26 months ago
Shayla LmerFudd 26 months ago
Your the wictem tonight!!🤣🤣
Mikeyyy LmerFudd 26 months ago
Don't do that! If I win I want it to be cause I was faster....
Shayla Mikeyyy 26 months ago
Shayla 26 months ago
The woman on The Andy Griffith Show is a little biatch!!🤬
MADave 26 months ago
One thing I didn't understand is last Sunday when Perry Mason Returns came on the Metv logo went from color to black and white did anybody else notice?
Shayla MADave 26 months ago
Probs went with the show!
MADave Shayla 26 months ago
But the movie was in color
Shayla MADave 26 months ago
I do notice that other logos for other tv channels will do just that! Maybe MeTV is doing it too! Or probs a tech problem.
Shayla 26 months ago
Under half an hour to go!!😁😎 Get them fingers ready!!
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CrazyK Shayla 26 months ago
That good saying grasshopper 😂
Shayla CrazyK 26 months ago
You calling me a grasshopper!!??🤣
CrazyK Shayla 26 months ago
Shayla CrazyK 26 months ago
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