Hammer Hosts a Horrible Honeymoon with “Kiss of the Vampire” Tonight!

Posted on January 21, 2023

Tonight on MeTV- though it may be too late for Christmas mistletoe and too early for Valentine’s Day, it’s still the perfect time to kiss up to this hot-blooded tale from the British Hammer studios, in which a young couple makes the acquaintance of an aristocratic family that is much more than it seems- ready to deliver the “Kiss of the Vampire”!

The story opens in the early 1900s-at the scene of a burial-where the ceremony is interrupted by a gentleman who appears to be operating in full Van Helsing mode! This is Professor Zimmer, who has suffered a great loss at the hands (and fangs) of a vampire- and now makes it his mission to hunt the evil creatures down and destroy them.

Meanwhile- a young newly-married couple, Gerald and Marianne, are traveling through a remote forest in Bavaria, and run into some car trouble- they find they have run out of gas (yes, they had cars during this era- but obviously not ones with large enough gas tanks!) While they try to find a way to get their car refueled, they find the nearest- and only- place to stay is an inn- not exactly a hotspot, made obvious by the fine layer of dust on everything. It is not very reassuring when the innkeeper’s wife bluntly admits “nobody comes here anymore”! The innkeeping couple seem odd, somewhat secretive, and even fearful. The only other boarder in the place is none other than Prof. Zimmer- who appears to be drowning his pain and remorse with alcohol. When Gerald tries to question him about the secrecy he has noticed, the professor will give no answer- other than to suggest that Gerald takes his wife and get far away as soon as possible!

The young couple, Gerald and Marianne, soon discover that the surrounding area isn’t completely devoid of inhabitants- there is a local powerful aristocrat, Dr. Ravna, who somehow seems well aware of the young couple’s presence. He invites them to dine with his family -son Carl and daughter Sabina at their palatial chateau. In spite of warnings, the couple does so- and, as their visit progresses, the family members watch the couple carefully, plying them with somewhat suspicious drinks, and entertaining them with some strangely hypnotic music. It all culminates in having an effect on the young bride, almost putting her into a trance! There is also an additional family member who keeps out of sight- and has a sinister agenda. The doctor generously offers to arrange for an emergency shipment of petrol to refill their car’s tank- but it may take a while...

Before long there is another invitation to a costume ball at the castle-which will end up sending the young groom into a mad world of denial, as Ravna sets his sights on the bride as the newest recruit for his army of- vampires! Can the somewhat boozy professor step in to help the distraught young man save his fair newlywed wife from becoming one of the undead?


You know if it’s a Hammer vampire film, there’ll be lurid color, including red blood-and dark sinister action. This 1963 film, also known as “Kiss of Evil”, was another attempt by Hammer to do a vampire film without Dracula- Christopher Lee- much like “Brides of Dracula”. The cast does include Clifford Evans, who will appear on our show soon in an encore of “Curse of the Werewolf”- another Hammer horror- and we’ll have information on him and other cast members, along with segments parodying products of the recent past, including a certain faux feathered friend similar to an “As Seen on TV” product from a few years ago. We also have a parody of a bearded duck-hunting family from down south who would probably try to shoot the previously mentioned winged wonder. Plus, we present a song, a few “Spawn of Svengoolie” auditions, and some vintage Sven segments to round out the show.

“Kiss of the Vampire” plants one on you at 8 pm eastern and pacific, 7 pm central, and check local listings ( or at www.MeTV )for when and where it airs in your area. As always, the hordes of Sven fans will be live-Tweeting during the show on Twitter- and you can join in- just make sure to add the hashtag #svengoolie . In Chicago, viewers will get one more look ( is that possible?!) at “Invisible Man” at 11 am on our main local channel, CW26.

We appreciate that our viewers have been happy to join us for our newly-expanded shows! The reaction has been terrific, and we look forward to having more lengthy films and extra content.

With Valentine’s Day coming up soon, now would be the best time to get a Sven gift for the beloved Sven fan in your life! Check out the ever-growing inventory in our store. (Sigh, YES, I HAVE a store!)

And tonight- pucker up for what we have in store for you on MeTV!

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1MikeM 21 months ago
...and dat was da Kiss of da Vampire...and dat's da name a dat tune!
Aceman2 21 months ago
Cartoondave 21 months ago
T minus 4
Aceman2 Cartoondave 21 months ago
Cartoondave is in the house. ABC is lurking and bubble gum is sticking to the rail!
Klaatu 21 months ago
T-Minus 55 minutes to the new blog. Good luck. I’m using an auto-blog App that guarantees me first blogger🤣
Aceman2 Klaatu 21 months ago
T-40 minutes and counting
Katink Aceman2 21 months ago
T-30 and counting. . .
Aceman2 Katink 21 months ago
T-15 and counting. Commissioner Gordon on PM!
Cartoondave 21 months ago
Just thinking did Sven ever show THE FLY(1958) and the other 2 sequels which I cannot remember the names of? If not, those would be great to see
Klaatu Cartoondave 21 months ago
I believe he did air The Fly (not 100% correct), but I never remember Sven showing “Return” and the following sequel (“Revenge”?).
TheKodakKid 21 months ago
Almost let a Historical Highlight slip by.

On this date in 1918, the silent movie “Tarzan of the Apes” premiered. This was the very first movie depicting the extraordinary life of the English born nobleman who became Lord of the Jungle.

With all due respect to Godzilla and James Bond, Tarzan is the true King of the Silver Screen. There have been 45 movies about Edgar Rice Boroughs’ character.
Klaatu TheKodakKid 21 months ago
Did Tarzan eat spinach to get strong?
TheKodakKid Klaatu 21 months ago
Not that I recall. However, maybe that’s what enabled the apes that raised him to speak English.
TheKodakKid TheKodakKid 21 months ago
I stand corrected. Sherlock Holmes would be the character to lay claim to the title King of the Silver Screen. I’ll have to go back and double check, but I’m now thinking that Hopalong Cassidy might be able to claim the number 2 spot on that list. Of course, both Holmes and Godzilla continue to be featured in films. Hoppy hasn’t graced the screen in a new pic since William Boyd rode off into the sunset for the final time.
abc123 21 months ago
Finally got my snack and beverage figured out. Spicy Chicken Teriyaki and Sake. After all, if you have seen a giant monster, you must have had too much sake.
Katink abc123 21 months ago
That sounds like an excellent way to embrace the theme, abc! We are going to have carryout from an Asian restaurant, but that is as far as we are with it.
PatS Katink 21 months ago
We're considering a reverse-engineered opposite menu. Instead of everything Giant, everything small. Short ribs, petit pois, little red potatoes, shortcake (or shortbread) and maybe baby bananas?
Klaatu 21 months ago
I’m getting ready for some Wild & Crazy times with newsman Steve Martin (Perry Mason 😆) in Godzilla. This movie will be fun. I think I’ll do more watching than posting.
1MikeM 21 months ago
I watched THE AMAZING MR. X a.k.a. THE SPIRITUALIST last night on another channel. It's a 1948 American horror thriller film noir starring Turhan Bey. The film tells the story of a phony spiritualist racket. Good film! Filmed in black and white. This film is in the public domain. Maybe Sven could show this one on his program. Turhan Bey, they don't make actors like him anymore! It's been a while since Sven has show any of those INNER SANCTUM mystery films. Starting to miss the talking head in the goldfish bowl. Maybe Sven could show THE FROZEN GHOST, the one with Lon Chaney Jr. as the mentalist "Gregor the Great"
daleuhlmann 1MikeM 21 months ago
I'd like to see some of the Inner Sanctum movies again, too, Mike M, especially WEIRD WOMAN.
1MikeM daleuhlmann 21 months ago
Sounds good, Dale!
daleuhlmann 21 months ago
As we prepare to leave Bavaria for Japan, here's one more observation about THE KISS OF THE VAMPIRE: its intriguing and novel treatment of vampire lore. I liked the touch involving the protection that dark cloud cover on rainy days gives vampires from the sun. The equation of a shovel with a wooden stake piercing a vampire's heart also showed some imagination. Particularly interesting was the notion that, removing the shovel from the heart would similarly restore a vampire to life. That was what Tania was attempting to do for Zimmer's undead daughter.

Of course, other vampire films have also provided a substitute for the good ole stake. In THE RETURN OF THE VAMPIRE, for example, it was a "spike," and in DRACULA HAS RISEN FROM THE GRAVE, it was the sharp
top of a huge cross.
daleuhlmann daleuhlmann 21 months ago
Of course, even in more recent vampire movies, it seems that any sharp, pointy object will do.
VanGooliac daleuhlmann 21 months ago
Also, just about anything can be made into a cross.
It was not a smart move on Tania’s part to scratch Gerald’s chest during his “initiation” just to get blood.
She was about to bite his neck anyway before Gerald got his hand free and made a cross from the blood.
daleuhlmann VanGooliac 21 months ago
I agree with you. Van Gooliac: Tania made a tactical mistake there.

PatS daleuhlmann 21 months ago
What I couldn't understand was how Ravna could be watching the young couple from his tower in the daylight. For a moment he actually leaned forward into full sunlight!
PatS daleuhlmann 21 months ago
Also, why would Ravna have all those crossed swords on the walls of his mansion -- with hilts that look just like crosses?
Aceman2 21 months ago
Aceman2 Aceman2 21 months ago
Tough to read but the parts than you can are interesting, to me anyway.
Jack Aceman2 21 months ago
CrazyK Aceman2 21 months ago
If that poster was made today it would have to say: “Makes ‘King Kong’ Look Like A Little Person!”
Just sayin’
Aceman2 Jack 21 months ago
Thanks Jack! even more interesting now that I can read it!
Aceman2 21 months ago
Bad jokes for a Friday afternoon:

- What’s big and red and wiggles in the sky? A jellycopter!

- Where was the US constitution signed? The bottom!

- Why is Peter Pan always flying Because he Neverlands!

- I saw a piece of toast in the zoo the other day. There was a sign on the cage. It said bred in captivity!
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abc123 Aceman2 21 months ago
what do you call a can opener that doesn't work?
a can't opener
Aceman2 abc123 21 months ago
PatS Aceman2 21 months ago
I'm enjoying it!
CountCurt 21 months ago
Tomorrow is Season One Episode Four of the Wild, Wild West. Looking forward to seeing more of Jim West's gadgets and Artemis's disguises. I assume that some beautiful girl is going to try to dupe Jim.
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CountCurt Klaatu 21 months ago
Let me think on it! Lol
DrFish28136 Drang 21 months ago
A Pryor Conviction
CrazyK CountCurt 21 months ago
My cable provider lists Season 1, episode 4 for tomorrow morning’s WWW so there’s still hope that they didn’t jump ahead!
Aceman2 Drang 21 months ago
According to Wiki: Victor Buono was in the recurring role of Count Manzeppi in The Wild Wild West. He also played unrelated characters in that series' premiere episode and in the second and final Wild Wild West reunion movie More Wild Wild West (1980).

Buono appeared in four episodes of Perry Mason. In season 5, (March 17, 1962), he portrayed Alexander Glovatsky, a small-town sculptor, in "The Case of the Absent Artist", In season 7, (April 2, 1964), he played murderer John (Jack) Sylvester Fossette in the episode "The Case of the Simple Simon". In season 8, (April 29, 1965) he played murderer Nathon Fallon in "The Case of the Grinning Gorilla".[7] In season 9, (February 27, 1966), he appeared in "The Case of the Twice Told Twist", the only color episode, as Ben Huggins, the ringleader of a car-stripping ring.
DrFish28136 21 months ago
abc123 DrFish28136 21 months ago
i actually tried that last sunday. but my sister stopped by and I had to put on pants...
DrFish28136 21 months ago
daleuhlmann 21 months ago
"Woke," or cultural sensitivity? U K curators are not banning the word "mummy" from their museums, but are increasingly using alternative language like "mummified person," claiming that "mummy" is dehumanizing and, according to this article, colonialist.

These are compelling arguments, but I'm still not sure I would watch a movie called "The Mummified Person," or "The Mummified Person's Tomb" (or " . . . 'Hand,' 'Ghost,' or 'Curse'").
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Jack daleuhlmann 21 months ago
The English picked up the word _mummy_ from Arabic speakers—suppliers of the mummies in the late medieval mummy trade—who in turn got the word from the Persians. In Persian/Farsi it refers to 1. certain waxy, tarry substances used in traditional medicine, 2. the substance with which mummies are preserved (which was on of those substances used in traditional medicine), and 3. the mummified bodies themselves. When the word was picked up in Arabic, it was pretty much exclusively used to refer the mummified bodies. So when the word entered English—adopted from a “native” language—it already meant “mummified person.”

I’m not certain how the Ancient Egyptian terminology worked, but the vast majority of descendants of the Ancient Egyptians are Arabic speakers. I s’pose mebbe we should investigate what Coptic Christians feel about mummies.

Jason Colavito makes some good point in the linked article. I suspect the British Museum is reconsidering its terminology because it is sitting on a huge trove of mummified bodies, etc., plundered from Egypt—and other locales. While dispensing with _mummy_ seems like overkill, it wouldn’t hurt to add more precision to the language of the descriptive materials. For example, some Egyptian mummies were fake mummies, resembling a real mummy on the outside, but sticks and cloth on the inside. There’s also the tendency to use _mummy_ to designated old preserved bodies, whether they were artificially or naturally preserved, and from locales other than that of ancient Egypt, e.g.., “bog mummies,” “ice mummies,” “the Tarim Basin mummies.”
1MikeM CrazyK 21 months ago
Archie Bunker: "Ah good night nuhse!"
PatS daleuhlmann 21 months ago
Similar change in language (some years back) -- it was considered dehumanizing to call a person a "leper" i.e. being classified merely by disease. Preferred is "person with leprosy" -- or more accurately, "person with Hansen's Disease."
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