This was Barry Williams' favorite Brady Bunch episode

His top pick captured the '70s perfectly.

CBS Television Distribution

Sometimes, picking just one "favorite" is no easy task. Things change, and as time goes by, our opinions change, too. So it makes sense that Barry Williams, Greg Brady of The Brady Bunch, would have different answers at different times regarding his favorite episode of the hit sitcom. Especially in considering his own body of work, we can forgive Barry for selecting a few different options as his "favorite."

Back in 1996, '70s-era revivalism was in full swing, with several hit properties getting a reappraisal. Chief among them was The Brady Bunch, favorably repositioned within the cultural tapestry with the benefit of two hit movies. Brady fever returned with television reunions and demand to hear from the show's original stars. Barry Williams wrote and released a book about his Brady experiences, and toured universities with a one-man multimedia show. People wanted to hear from the original Brady Bunch stars and Barry Williams offered his thoughts to the Wausau Daily Herald about renewed interest in the bygone decade.

Barry Williams wasn't alone in noting that this phenomenon was cyclical. "When I was doing The Brady Bunch, the '50s were real big. In the '80s, the '60s thing was big." The '70s, according to Williams, had a certain innocence to them, which is what makes people remember those years fondly. "We were a little more jaded in the '80s, and I think we needed a little relief from that."

So, at the peak of the nostalgia cycle that brought his heyday to the forefront, Barry Williams' favorite episode was indicative of the times. "Our Son, The Man" sees Greg turn his father's den into a groovy bachelor pad. The oldest Brady boy is in high school, and, desperate for some privacy, renovates the shared space with all the voguish trappings of the day.

"It was so much of what the '70s was about," said Williams. "It had bead curtains, lava lamps, black-light posters, bell bottoms, fringe vests... and, as I like to recall, me, a white guy with an Afro."

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Lillyrose 1 month ago
My favorite Greg Brady episode is "Getting Greg's Goat." It's hilarious!
KirwoodDerby 2 months ago
Here's a guy that never was able to move on from his one and only roll. The only thing Williams can do is reflect on his past glory on the set of the Brady Bunch. He doesn't seem to have any actual talent but he'll be more than happy to grant you an interview. Even if you're just pretending to be a journalist. He sings and attracts lonely old ladies of the seventies who remember that perm from last season. Meanwhile his wife and daughter were left behind while he chased that "dream job" in Branson.

cinamac KirwoodDerby 2 months ago
Don’t be so harsh…there are many television stars who cling to the one significant role that defined them!
Bonus Question: What cartoon did this poster's name come from? Hint: It's now on MeTV Toons!There's a great story attached to it!
No one answered not even the poster who uses the name! It comes from Rocky & Bullwinkle! Creator Jay Ward loved word puns, even if they were groaners! The Kirwood Derby was a hat that Boris Badenov wanted to steal and the name came from Durwood Kirby, best known for The Garry Moore Show! Kirby wanted to sue Ward because he didn't find it funny! Ward thought it was crazy and offered to pay for Kirby's lawyers! Cooler heads prevailed and the lawsuit was dropped!
bradyguy KirwoodDerby 29 days ago
Easy there, spelling champ. I don't think we can take seriously anyone who spells it "roll"...

But since you brought it up, Barry actually has had a very nice career as a working actor for nearly 60 years now. He has starred on Broadway and toured Nationally with several shows, in between and around his stints as Greg Brady. He was, definitively, the best singer/performer of the "Bunch". Not sure if Greg Brady stole your girlfriend or something in the 70s...but you seem to have made it personal. Lighten up, Francis. gonna sit there and taket hose insults, MeTV staff???
bradyguy bradyguy 22 days ago
oops..."...those insults..."
FLETCH 2 months ago
That was a good episode. I wanted a pad just like Greg's!
WordsmithWorks 2 months ago
Greg getting turned down by his "pals" to hang out with them was sad. At least he went hiking with his family.
Jerryfan 10 months ago
Wow, one of my favorites as well.
CoreyC 15 months ago
To me the best Greg Brady episode was in the same season the smoking episode.
cperrynaples CoreyC 1 month ago
Yeah, and how could you ignore Johnny Bravo?
CoreyC cperrynaples 1 month ago
Johnny Bravo was good but the smoking episode was so realistic for the times.
Runeshaper 15 months ago
HAHAHAHA sounds like a very groovy episode!
Pacificsun 15 months ago
Easy to remember the 70's. Such a radical change from the 60's. But was unique and don't see how it was supposed to be a "throwback" to anything. There was a lot of novelty and color!! The metaphor could be, sort of like going from school to the playground!!
Rob 15 months ago
I remember the 50’s being the big thing back in the 80’s.
stealth71 Rob 2 months ago
Me too!
bradyguy Rob 29 days ago
Or...rather...the 70s. Ever hear of American Graffiti? And Happy Days??
Rob bradyguy 27 days ago
Grease would be another one. American Graffiti was set in 1962.
Andybandit 15 months ago
I remember that episode. Good one.
LoveMETV22 15 months ago
So Greg got a new pad. " How Groovy."

It's only fitting, that he has some "Groovy Music" to go along with his new surroundings.

Bapa1 15 months ago
Funny episode. The clothes, the expressions, knocking the book out of the girl's hand. A primer on how not to behave.
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