There's an actual vineyard where you can dress up as Lucy and stomp grapes

The perfect event if you've got Lucy-sized feet—as big as large pizzas!

The episode of I Love Lucy called "Lucy's Italian Movie" culminates in one of TV's most memorable clashes. That scene features Lucille Ball smashing grapes into the face of veteran grape stomper Teresa, who returns the favor all too happily. The juicy skirmish catapulted the classic episode to cult worship status, and now there's even a vineyard in Delaplane, Virginia, where you can go to reenact the iconic TV moment to your heart's content.

At Three Fox Vineyards, you can compete in a contest vineyard owners Holli and John Todhunter have dubbed "The Lucy Stomp." In pairs, people jump into a vat of grapes to see who can stomp out the most fruit for their labors. With this prompt, many who travel to the vineyard go the extra mile and don Lucy costumes, pulling on scarves and peasant shirts in attempts to properly executive Lucy's iconic look. Check out these awesome photos from the Washingtonian, featuring a particularly fiery-haired pair of Lucy wannabes.

For more grape-stomping fun, head to Lucille Ball's hometown, Jamestown, New York, where there's also the Welch's World Record Grape Stomp every fall for brave large-pizza-footed culture-seekers prepared to jump at the chance to stomp them grapes.

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DarioWiter 53 months ago
👣👣👣👣👣 🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷 😆😆😆😆😆 😁😁😁😁😁
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