The Brady Bunch cast reunited in their renovated house – and the set looks picture perfect
See first look photos of HGTV's take on the classic sitcom home.

Here's the story of a fam named Brady who just returned to their old TV home thanks to a picture-perfect renovation project by HGTV. We just got our first look inside and we have to admit, they really pulled the house together, recreating the Brady home almost just the way we remember it from TV:
During the reveal, HGTV invited all six siblings to take a tour of the renovated home, filming this walk-through for an upcoming documentary show "A Very Brady Renovation." After the tour, Barry Williams, Maureen McCormick, Eve Plumb, Christopher Knight, Mike Lookinland and Susan Olsen went on The Today Show to gush about the groovy experience. Plumb said, "They are very specific about what goes in the house," and as longtime fans of The Brady Bunch, we appreciate this vigiliance!
See photos from inside the Brady Bunch renovation and compare to these scenes from the classic TV show:

What do you think of the renovations?


What Humanitarian purpose has the renovation of this house served? Other than the fact, that it will be put on the market, folks will purchase it, and be able to brag about the fact that they live in a house " as seen on tv," many moons ago. What monetary value does the renovation of this house have? I mean by renovating it, will it help {$ wise,} the community in any way? It might, if someone gets the idea of turning it into a business like say a.....bed and breakfast, or a boarding house, if one or more of the Brady Kids falls on hard times, they could give paying guided tours. Or, it could be turned into Arlo Guthrie's song "Alice's Restaurant." Yes, yes, I know the song was turned into a movie, and the tv show Alice was based on the song/movie, but has there ever been an actual Alice's Restaurant? If not, this could be a first, or a grand reopening. {The blue plate special is pork chops and applesauce!}