The best burger joints, diners and soda fountains from TV

Today is National Burger Day. Hamburgers are as American as hot rods and baseball. It's no wonder that fast food joints play such a prominent part in classic, nostalgic TV shows like Happy Days and The Andy Griffith Show. Though it would be an insult to Ricky Ricardo to call his restaurants a fast food joint, how bad do you want to spend an evening at Club Babalu when watching I Love Lucy?

Here are our top seven diners and burger spots from television. We wish we could visit them all. Did we miss any of your favorites?

7. JJ's Diner – Parks and Recreation

We hear the waffles are amazing. Though they probably would make a waffle-bun burger if you asked.

6. The Max – Saved by the Bell

With neon and arcade games, this place is an '80s dream. What other diners have a dance floor? Personally, we don't feel like a boogie after a burger, but watching Slater do the splits would be amusing.

5. Monk's Cafe – Seinfeld

Naturally, we would want to eat with Elaine or Jerry over George and Kramer.

4. Alamo Freeze – Friday Night Lights

Ideally, Matt Saracen would be serving us.

3. The Snappy Lunch – The Andy Griffith Show

In the episode "Andy the Matchmaker," Sheriff Taylor tells Deputy Fife that the Snappy Lunch is a nice place to take a date. Turns out, it's a real diner in Griffith's hometown of Mount Airy, the inspiration for Mayberry. We image it's just down the street from Floyd's. 

2. Mel's Diner – Alice

The owner/chef might be a little brusque, but the waitresses are wonderful. You come for the service — and those pink uniforms. Hopefully, the burger comes with a side of grits.

1. Arnold's Drive-In – Happy Days

We would attempt to start the jukebox with a whack of the elbow, but something tells us we don't have Fonzie's magic touch. From the pennants to the orange vinyl booths, this place is the picture-perfect American diner.

Watch Happy Days, Saved by the Bell and The Andy Griffith Show on MeTV. Visit our new fall schedule for more info.
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