Are you a picky eater when it comes to these vintage foods?

Do these classic ingredients make you hungry or queasy?


Aunt Bee has a talent for cooking plenty of tasty meals and treats for Andy and Opie Taylor. Apple crumb cake, potato pancakes, fried chicken…. There's a whole list of dishes that keep the boys full and happy. 

The only thing she can't seem to get right? Her aptly named homemade "kerosene" pickles. Andy, Barney and the rest may enjoy a pickle, but only when they are properly pickled, like the store-bought ones or Clara Johnson's.

This got us thinking; not everyone likes pickles to begin with. In fact, there are probably plenty of vintage foods and flavors that people didn't enjoy when growing up.

We've compiled a list of popular ingredients and we're curious; how much of a picky eater were/are you when it comes to these vintage foods?

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  1. Pickles
  2. Mayonnaise
  3. Jell-O
  4. Vienna Sausages
  5. Shrimp Cocktail
  6. Deviled Ham
  7. Pimento olives
  8. Marshmallow Fluff
  9. Spam
  10. Prunes
  11. Cheez Whiz
  12. Rice pudding
  13. Ambrosia salad
  14. Clam dip
  15. Licorice

Are you a picky eater when it comes to these vintage foods?

Your Result...

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idkwut2use 37 months ago
51% similar.
Some delectable. Some disgusting. ;b
Dario 37 months ago
43% similar. 😁😁😁😁😁
DerekBird 37 months ago
79% similar
79% similar to the most popular responses

I'll take Miracle Whip instead of Mayo, what's Ambrosia? NO BOOZE. No FISH. NO artificial food. No Green Food (Except Iceberg Lettuce and pickles and sweet peas). I like the DEVILled part but not the ham in a can part. Send them home to Austria.
LindaWilliams 56 months ago
Are you a picky eater when it comes to these vintage foods?
41% similar
41% similar to the most popular responses
JDnHuntsvilleAL 56 months ago
Pickels? YES, as long as they are Bread-and-butter.
texasluva 56 months ago
53% for me. I'm a tad picky. No Spam for me when I can have Black Forest ham ☺🤗.
TexasGreek texasluva 53 months ago
That's right. But, fried Spam on camping trips is something to be reckoned with on a cold, dark night. Hits the spot!
texasluva RobCertSDSCascap 37 months ago
Where have you been? I just got a like on my post from this 18 months later. Some ask about you and not heard from like over a year.
jorel 56 months ago
Love pickles!! Love that episode too. I know it's silly to think of but why doesn't Aunt Bee try her pickles until half way through the story, after they were swapped with store bought in the "prickle switch"?
Angie 56 months ago
55% similar. Who doesn't like Cheese Whiz? XD
KachinaJim 56 months ago
Some of these I had my fill of when I was a kid and don't care for them now. Jello, pickles, olives...but I still like liver and onions!
Baldman KachinaJim 56 months ago
Angie KachinaJim 56 months ago
I ate liver as a kid. Wouldn't touch it now.
DavidBartholomew 56 months ago
Spam! Yum!
I grew up with Spam every Saturday for breakfast. If it's grilled like ham or bacon, it ain't bad.
tDennis DavidBartholomew 56 months ago
I just had some yesterday.I fried it in coconut oil and soy sauce.Good eating!
"Lovely Spam, Wonderful Spam...." (Somebody had to say it.)
BrentwoodJon ETristanBooth 56 months ago
Fry it up Dice it up throw it in with scrambled eggs
Good eaten !
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