Raymond Bailey was ''the banker's hero'' after his role on The Beverly Hillbillies
His success as The Clampetts' banker was so unexpected, he wouldn't have even put money on it.

Raymond Bailey played the role of Milburn Drysdale, an uptight banker who could be counted on to handle The Clampett's cash in the hit series The Beverly Hillbillies (1962).
He was the financial advisor for the family and educated them on modern banking and other financial matters for a total of nine seasons. His character also provided a much needed contrast between a new rich family and the uppercrust of an already established area.
Bailey's characterization as a banker was so good that many people across the country began to take notice. You may remember Milburn Drysdale for being sophisticated, a bit of a snob and generally uptight — but real bankers all across the country remembered him as one of them.
His performance in the role may not have won Bailey any awards, but it did win him the title as a ''hero'' among other bankers.
According to a 1965 interview with Battle Creek Enquirer, Bailey was in great demand for speeches, personal appearances, conventions and was loved by bankers.
"I've been made a member of the Southern California Independent Bankers Association," Bailey said. "And I've made trips around the country to accept plaques. It's a lot of fun."
In his youth, Bailey was a bank messenger for two years, but abandoned the career field in banking because it was too dull for his taste. If only he knew being a ''banker'' would be the best job he's ever had — fictional or not.
According to another 1964 interview with The Miami Herald, Bailey said Milburn Drysdale and his secretary, Jane Hathaway, were so well loved by fans that he started referring to them as "the fifth and sixth hillbillies."
"I think we work off each other pretty well," Bailey said. "The family respects Mr. Drysdale. And they don't call his wife a snob. There is a long way to go with this show."
With Jed, Granny, Elly and Jethro, Bailey's life was always rich.

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the entire premise of "Hillbillies" was "not stupid but rather ignorant of whatever was said/done" allowing the "homophone humor" ("did you call me gay?") and all the comedic humor that PC DEMONS want to attack so they can promote degenerate behavior as, well, not just normal... NO, but presented as only behaviors worthy of being allowed without treating the suspect as borderline crazy
so seeing "dusting powder" as what they was missing, threw out the talc out while doin' chores. and bring out washboard, kazoos, fiddles, spoons and homemade instruments ... "now that's a party" when Mrs Drysdall let's out she's having a Garden Party (slow classic music and finger sandwiches)