Gary Burghoff turned down millions when M*A*S*H begged him to come back
Do you think Radar should've been paid as much as Hawkeye?

In arguably the sweetest Radar-centered M*A*S*H episode of all time, "Private Charles Lamb," we watch the corporal save a lamb meant to be slaughtered. He schemes to send the lamb back home by pretending it's a soldier named Private Charles Lamb.
On M*A*S*H, there was a recurring theme of who gets sent home. It was an obvious part of the show's wartime setting. But for Gary Burghoff, who played Radar in the movie version of M*A*S*H before resuming the role on TV, there came a time when that sentiment hit so hard in his real life, he decided he had to leave the show for good.
"I was a case of occupational burnout," Burghoff told the Logansport-Pharos Tribune in 1984. "I left M*A*S*H because I couldn't function anymore. I'd given all I had to give to the part and to the show. I care too much to give less than my best. I'd lost my vitality."
So Burghoff left the show in 1979, and M*A*S*H went on without Radar, which turned out to be a punch in the gut for producers who wished they could persuade Burghoff to come back.
In fact, they got so serious about tempting Burghoff back to the show that they actually came back with cash in hand — after going just two days without Radar, hoping to find the right price to keep Radar.
According to the Tribune article, Warner Bros. offered Burghoff a $4 million contract to return.
You might be wondering what $4 million looks like to a TV star in 1979. Well, if Burghoff had accepted, he certainly would've joined the top three highest-paid TV stars on air in 1980, but let's be clear: He still wouldn't be making that Hawkeye money.
In 1980, the Argus-Leader reported that Alan Alda was the highest-paid TV actor of all time, earning $5.6 million a season on M*A*S*H, which also included the money he made as a writer. Just for playing Hawkeye, though, Alda earned $5.4 million that year.
The next highest-paid TV star was Carroll O'Connor, who pulled $4.8 million for starring in Archie Bunker's Place.
Had Burghoff returned to M*A*S*H, his $4 million contract would've placed him behind O'Connor, but before Michael Landon, who earned $3.8 million for Little House on the Prairie, and Larry Hagman, who earned $2.4 million to play J.R. Ewing on Dallas.
Unfortunately for Radar's biggest friends and Warner Bros.'s dashed dreams, Burghoff wasn't looking for more money.
What Burghoff wanted right then was to color in his life with all that great stuff that makes life worth living: reconnecting with old friends, renewing his faith, and returning to his roots. For him, like so many guest stars we watched on M*A*S*H, that meant literally going home.
"When I reached the age of 35, I knew I missed the basics, my friends and family and the life I'd known in Connecticut and Wisconsin," Burghoff said. "I needed a change, and I needed a break."
Of course, then, after some time passed, Burghoff was ready to return to his M*A*S*H home, taking part in the spin-off series AfterM*A*S*H and a pilot for his own spin-off, W*A*L*T*E*R.


My favorite character was Colonel Flagg.
People (we, the viewers) forget that Tinsel Town (Hollywood) is a business. Think about your job. How often would you expect a raise equal to the highest member of management in your organization, if you wished any future with the company? Regarding contributions in television, the way people get (and got) increases was to demonstrate their worth. Not just to talk about their potential.
Acting is a commodity. And GB was hired to fill a role, and more importantly to be part of an ENSEMBLE cast! A team player, as much of a cliché as that concept is. So unless you have the mindset of a “working” actor (meaning an actor who is satisfied just getting one role after another), then all the rest assume they’re more than special. Alda DEMONSTRATED that his creative ideas were workable. There are other actors who can direct, or produce (Landon) or have deep theater experience (O’Connor) and on it goes down the line. Now whether or not Warner Bros. actually offered GB as much as is quoted by the Tribune, is questionable. Because there were just a few other actors in the MASH group who out-ranked him in billing. And once the discussion of raises would start flowing, then the bidding war and ultimatums begin.
My hunch is that a higher figure for GB was tossed around, but not well-received by other actors’ agents (who know the business and the intrinsic value of their clients). Rather than insult GB directly, it sounds like a more mutually amiable separation was agreed upon, one that left everyone with their necessary dignity.
And by the way the flat dollar figures quoted above may not have included how much financial interest any of the actors had in their shows, residuals, product endorsement opportunities, privileges and time away. I am very doubtful that GB would’ve been considered the 3rd highest paid actor of that time, no matter how much his character was loved.
No doubt, the concept of this article made for an interesting story though! And after all that’s what we’re here for, to be entertained!! More power to the Staff Writers!
The one sentence that gives away your cluelessness.
Most actors don't get in to the business to play the same character forever. And if you stick to it too long, you get typecast and can't get anything else - Fred Gwynne was a Tony nominated actor whose movie & TV career pretty much tanked after "The Munsters" - not because his talent was gone, but because of idiots who couldn't see him as anything else. I saw "The Cotton Club" in a theater, where midway through the movie, one goofball yelled out, "Hey! That's Herman Munster!"... Hmm... where were *you* that day...?
So the writer gets dinged for repeating a figure of speech which was aimed at illustrating another stereotype of the day. Where is it assumed that is the writer’s personal belief. And even so that’s not even the topic here. Most actors get into the business to continue their career, period! Otherwise they’d go hop tables. Who (statistically speaking) is going to refuse a raise for continuing in a recurring role. Meaning that the money earned pays their bills and puts their kids through college. And at a future point in time will provide the opportunity to be more choosey about the next role. That’s the point, it allows them to detour around potential stereotyping. Shatner and Nimoy seemed to have survived just fine. So whatever a goofball yells out in a theater has nothing to do with a fine actor (Fred Gwynne) ultimately choosing his career direction. And I would say that the TWO years spent STARRING in The Munsters was little enough personal effort to be exchanged for ultimate rewards.
Larry Linville left because, as he said himself, he wasn't tired of playing Frank Burns, he was tired of JUST playing Frank Burns. Besides, there was no where his character could go, he couldn't evolve like the other characters.
And do you think their careers would be any different if they had stayed with M*A*S*H? The only difference is they would have made more money from the series. Their post-M*A*S*H careers would have been the same.
“Warner Bros”? Try 20th Century-Fox, which produced and owned the movie and TV series. Warner’s had absolutely nothing to do with any of it.
This is what happens when “experts,” who imagine that they know everything, write things off the top of their heads instead of doing the minimal research it takes to avoid making stupid mistakes like this one.
Most people didn't notice William Christopher's absence for most of a season (4 I Believe) due to health issues - and Alda stepped in to save his job!