Your taste in TV reveals if you're a cat or dog person

When you watch TV, is your cat on your lap or your dog at your feet?

It's one of the most harmlessly divisive issues that ever comes up between friends and loved ones: Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?

The same happens on TV, where family sitcoms feature furry pets or science-fiction shows see critters wander into cherished episodes.

We have a strong feeling that your preferences on TV reveal much more about your preferences in domestic pets than you might think. Take the quiz and see if we can guess whether your home shelters a cat or dog, or both!

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  1. Pick a TV character you love:
  2. Pick a genre of TV:
  3. Pick a TV show with a hero you can root for:
  4. Which is the best cartoon villain/antagonist?
  5. Pick a TV character you’d hang out with:
  6. Which game show do you like more?
  7. Which channel do you turn on for the kids?
  8. Pick a sitcom that makes you laugh:

Your taste in TV reveals if you're a cat or dog person

Your Result...

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amylovestv 29 months ago
Nope! Definitely not a dog person.
JoyeSmith 31 months ago
I got a little bit of both but I’m 100 percent a cat person! I may like dogs but I don’t want one.
DerekBird 31 months ago
You got Dog Person
Our favorite shows are full of great family dogs, so we fetched this survey to see who you think is the best pup on TV.

I am but yet I have a Black Cat named Sid.
Remember You cannot own a cat, a cat let's you keep him/her (almost like a rental).
Tony 55 months ago
I am merely a tolerator of both as long as they belong to other people.
idkwut2use 55 months ago
Cat person? I mean, I like cats and I’d enjoy to have one, but I’m a crazy Dog Person through and through with a capital DP!!!
x60hz11 55 months ago
Totally wrong. I'm definitely a dog person!!! No idea why this thing thought I was a cat person.
SillyBillie 55 months ago

They guessed right!
My Cat watches TV with me! Lol
DerekBird SillyBillie 31 months ago
Then this picture is for you.

Katzi 55 months ago
Dog person? NO!! I like CATS better!!
Runeshaper 59 months ago
You got Dog Person
Our favorite shows are full of great family dogs, so we fetched this survey to see who you think is the best pup on TV.
ndebrabant 66 months ago

You got Dog Person
Our favorite shows are full of great family dogs, so we fetched this survey to see who you think is the best pup on TV.
Yes, but right now I have cats.
DerekBird ndebrabant 31 months ago
I am in a similar situation.
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