Which of these actors has NOT played the Scrooge in a Christmas Carol adaptation?

Who never saw any ghosts on Christmas Eve?


Like Christmas songs, favorite holiday tales are constantly taken on by new artists every year. There is perhaps no single Christmas story more prolific than Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. The heartwarming fable has been told and retold dozens of times since it was originally written. 

For this quiz, we're only considering screen adaptations, but we are including many different takes on the story. As long as there was a greedy character visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve, it counts!

All but one of the actors below played a Scrooge-like character (not all of them were actually named Ebenezer Scrooge) in a TV or movie version of A Christmas Carol. Some simply provided a voice for animation!

Try to find the one person who did not. Keep guessing until you find the right answer!

  1. Which one of these actors has NOT played the Scrooge role in an adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

Which of these actors has NOT played the Scrooge in a Christmas Carol adaptation?

Your Result...

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pkusct66 7 months ago
I just love MeTV games and shows and everything I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and safe New Year 🎊🎊🕛🕛🕛🕛🕛
pkusct66 pkusct66 7 months ago
Merry Christmas and a Happy and safe New Year
pkusct66 7 months ago
I love MeTV I love the games they are fun the quizzes are fun the shows to and the music I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 🎊🎊🕛🕛🕛🕛🕛
Righteouspossum 7 months ago
You picked David Ogden Stiers! Correct!
Though this M*A*S*H star seems like he would be a perfect fit, he never played old Ebenezer onscreen. You found it!
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texasluva 7 months ago
See you @ Name that Christmas villain!
Where everyone can take a guess or make comments to other quizzers.
There will be extra bonus movies for just coming by. Including entertainment for all. Feel free to ask questions, copy movie links and just plain join in the fun via communication. The MQ will be up until the movie is guessed and an hour to look over and pick out what you wish. Have fun doing so. There are no wrong answers but the first one to guess the correct movie gets their names put up for getting it correctly.
Good luck and enjoy
AllisonWunderland 7 months ago
I wasn’t ignoring ya…so busy this week 24/7 🤦‍♀️
AllisonWunderland 7 months ago
Are we not having MQ tonite?
AllisonWunderland 7 months ago
Okay, ugh….I just played The Love Bug perfectly fine from iPad to TV. However, in the midst of trying to figure this stuff out, I somehow deleted the Vizio Living Room TV choice. I played it thru Apple TV. Now I gotta figure out how to get that back on 🤦‍♀️
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KJExpress 7 months ago
Oh, no! Poor reindeer! I one saw my uncle's cat trying to rip the head off one of her stuffed mice. All I could think was "thank goodness that's not real!" 😟
AllisonWunderland 7 months ago
No kidding! That’s the first thing I thought of too when I saw Maggie do it as a pup 😳
AllisonWunderland 7 months ago
At least I got a picture before the demolition 🥲
KJExpress 7 months ago
Haha. Look how serene she looks! 😉
MikefromJersey 7 months ago
"You picked David Ogden Stiers! Correct!"

Got it in one. When David appeared on Star Trek: The Next Generation he peered intently
at a computer screen which had the numbers 4077 on it. An in-joke reference to MASH.
Wendy57 8 months ago
Third try was the correct guess for me.
texasluva 8 months ago
For it's One! Two! and Three! Strikes and you're out of the Ole Quiz Game. Yep it took me none other then Four tries to grab this one 😬. I'm Bad Santa on this one 🎅🙄.
Karellen 8 months ago
First try. I think I've seen most of these movies, except for Bill Murray's Scrooged. My favorites are The Muppet Christmas Carol, The 1951 version with Alister Sims, and the 1970 movie Scrooge with Albert Finley. MeTV ran the 1970 movie on Christmas Eve a couple of years back.
CaptainDunsel 8 months ago
Blew it again, in exactly the same way.
"When will he ever learn? When will he e-ever learn?"
Aha, a Kingston Trio fan. Or Bob Dylan. The Trio's version sounded better.
Runeshaper 8 months ago
3 guesses! Lots of GREAT Scrooge talent here (-:
Bapa1 8 months ago
Stiers. First one out! I wish Me-Tv or someone else would show The Mr. Magoo Xmas special.
Righteouspossum Bapa1 7 months ago
i believe it was on a few days ago
Zip 8 months ago
Got it the 2nd time.
Thought I have seen most of these actors in their portrayals of Scrooge(or a scrooge-like character), I didn't know that Henry Winkler portrayed him.
My favorite Scrooge is George C. Scott.
Bapa1 Zip 8 months ago
Winkler as Scrooge: "Boy, what day is it today?" Boy: "Why, it's Christmas day sir!" Winkler: 'Ayyyyyyyy!"
vg2023 Zip 8 months ago
Henry played Scrooge but his adaption was an American Scrooge during the great depression.
Righteouspossum Zip 7 months ago
haven't seen that version in a long time, an american christmas carol played a character called benedict slade came out around 1979
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