Daily Star Trek Quiz: ''Amok Time''
In which we test how fluently you speak Vulcan!

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.
Journey to the stars each weekday with a chronological quiz testing your knowledge of each episode in order. Let's see how long we can all keep the streak going!
It's up to you to keep track of your score, and we work on the honor system here in the United Federation of Planets. Missed a quiz? Just click here, and you'll have the chance to catch up!
This quiz is about Season 2, Episode 1: "Amok Time". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

Nurse Chapel delivers Spock a Vulcan soup. What's it called?
En route to Vulcan, the Enterprise receives a message telling them to reroute to...
McCoy tells Kirk that Spock will die in ___ days if he is not taken to Vulcan.
When relating to Kirk the intricacies of Vulcan mating rituals, Spock calls to mind the _______ of Regulus V.
What's the name of the Vulcan time for mating?
Who is the admiral that orders the Enterprise not to go to Vulcan?
We find out Spock has a wife who he is less-than-married to, but more-than-betrothed to! What's her name?
McCoy: "_____ as Vulcan. Now I understand what that phrase means."
What does "Koon-ut-kal-if-fee" mean?
What is plak tow?

Daily Star Trek Quiz: ''Amok Time''
Your Result...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec ante ipsum. Mauris viverra, urna et porta sagittis, lorem diam dapibus diam, et lacinia libero quam id risus.


Very easy.
"Live long and prosper".
"I shall do neither as I have killed my captain and my friend."
TD was born Edward Hamilton Waldo, and was a relative of noted writer Ralph Waldo Emerson.
"Live Long and Prosper" 🖖🖖🖖