Which classic TV stars were in these WWII movies?
Sitcom stars, cowboys and TV cops were in these films before and after their time in hit shows.

A few actors from Sixties television made the leap to feature films and never looked back once they achieved worldwide stardom. That only happened for a lucky few, but many performers crossed over into movies while also appearing on TV.
Here are ten TV actors who appeared in movies about World War II. Only a cinema expert can match every one of these titles to right actors!
This iconic film stars which Western actor?
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Which Love Boat star appeared with Cary Grant and Tony Curtis in this submarine comedy?
Which TV cowboy appeared in this WWII film?
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Which classic TV stars were in these WWII movies?
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In #2, they left out Carroll O'Connor; also, they neglected to mention "Fireball Forward" (1972), which had Eddie Albert and Ben Gazzara.
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Bonus Questions:
What WW 2 film did Bob Newhart appear in?
And which one did Jackie Gleason appear in, with a screen immortal in the lead?