Quiz: Are you more Laverne or Shirley?

Or maybe.... you're Squiggy?


To celebrate the best bottle cappers Shotz Brewery ever had, we're posing the question: Are you more of a Laverne or more of a Shirley? Let's have a date and find out.

  1. We're in Milwaukee for the weekend. Let's do something very Milwaukee.
  2. We're at a French restaurant. What are you ordering?
  3. Actually, this place is too fancy. Let's hit the soda fountain. Order a drink.
  4. Put a quarter in the jukebox and pick a hit from 1959.
  5. Oh, look, a carnival! Pick a booth.
  6. You won! You get a stuffed animal.
  7. Let's catch a movie.
  8. Okay, the night is over. How are you documenting the day?

Quiz: Are you more Laverne or Shirley?

Your Result...

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mpr4christ1980 26 months ago
I'm a man. How much plastic surgery do I need to look like her? 🤔
You are Shirley
Nothing comes between you and your best friend. Well, your Boo Boo Kitty. You're sweet and upbeat, and a bit of a romantic. Nothing makes you swoon like some Frank Sinatra and Fabian.
Sylvia1154 mpr4christ1980 25 months ago
It didn’t ask you if you WERE Laverne or Shirley, just which one you were more like so it really doesn’t matter if your a man or not. Your personality is more like Shirley, not your body! Don’t worry! You are still you!
I guess. What is a Boo Boo Kitty? Not sure about being a romantic. Unless the right woman came along, who loves my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who cares about sound doctrine and isn't hypocritical, as much as I do. But I will probably stay single, which isn't a sin. (1 Corinthians 7). Meanwhile where can I watch Laverne and Shirley to observe her behavior and see if we really are alike?
Newyorkcitygal 26 months ago
I am Laverne definitely! But this quiz gave me Squiggy!!!🤣
TonyaSpivey 27 months ago
I'm Shirley but realistically my personality is Laverne
327053 27 months ago
I am Shirley??? It’s ok she was hot🔥
MikefromJersey 27 months ago
"You are Shirley.
Nothing comes between you and your best friend. Well, your Boo Boo Kitty. You're sweet and upbeat, and a bit of a romantic. Nothing makes you swoon like some Frank Sinatra and Fabian"

If this gets back to certain quarters in Jersey I'm sunk.
robyni23 27 months ago
You are Shirley
Nothing comes between you and your best friend. Well, your Boo Boo Kitty. You're sweet and upbeat, and a bit of a romantic. Nothing makes you swoon like some Frank Sinatra and Fabian.
Frecklegirl 27 months ago
I'm Laverne, kind of thought so before the quiz. Love Laverne &. Shirley, always thought of myself as Laverne lol
BrianMoore 27 months ago
I'm Laverne!!! Don't much cotton to the idea of drinking milk and Pepsi, though.

Pacificsun BrianMoore 27 months ago
MeTV could create a great scheduling powerblock (Sunday afternoons) if they coupled Happy Days with Laverne and Shirley. And Full House with the Brady Bunch. Then everybody would be happy with family entertainment on Sunday afternoons, serving a couple of generations.
Mirramanee BrianMoore 26 months ago
Actually, the idea of regular milk and Pepsi is rather disgusting, but believe it or not, if you substitute the regular milk for Sweetened Condensed Milk (it's very thick and gooey and sweet, so no need to use a lot of it) and whip it up vigorously with a spoon, it actually tastes good. My childhood babysitter introduced it to me as a kid and even now as an adult, I occasionally indulge in it.
Catman 27 months ago
Well, I'm Shirley. Admittedly, I do have some gender ambiguities, of which I am proud, but still.
The menu questions always get me on these quizzes, since, as a vegan for almost 40 years now, there are never any choices that I would actually make.
So, I suppose I will have to be satisfied with "more of a man than you will ever be, and more of a woman than you will ever have."
Or something like that.
retro6 27 months ago
Shirley! Wouldn’t have it any other way!
eyegor 27 months ago
Squiggy. I even had a real live pet iguana years ago.
eyegor 27 months ago
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Hopeless 27 months ago
I got Shirley , but I used to drink milk and Pepsi as a kid
JDWJDW2 27 months ago
I got Shirley. I always thought Cindy Williams was so freaking cute. She had such pretty eyes and hair.
Terrence 27 months ago
Will not drink Milk and Pepsi, but they said I'm Laverne
Pacificsun 27 months ago
Nothing comes between you and your best friend. Well, your Boo Boo Kitty. You're sweet and upbeat, and a bit of a romantic. Nothing makes you swoon like some Frank Sinatra and Fabian.
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