Pick: Build your ultimate classic TV family

You decide who wins this family feud.

Everybody can relate to a great family sitcom. Here, we're asking you to go one step further and choose the one you like watching the most.

Below, choose your favorite sitcom mom, dad, son and daughter, then make the ultimate decision: Which sitcom family gave you the most cherished memories?
  1. Pick your favorite sitcom mom:
  2. Pick your favorite sitcom dad:
  3. Pick your favorite sitcom son:
  4. Pick your favorite sitcom daughter:
  5. Pick your favorite sitcom family:

Pick: Build your ultimate classic TV family

Your Result...

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idkwut2use 54 months ago
Only 8%--yay, my family's unique!
Runeshaper 67 months ago
You got 54% similar
You got 54% similar to the most popular responses
ndebrabant 72 months ago

You got 12% similar
You got 12% similar to the most popular responses
Bookandgamefan3 ndebrabant 72 months ago
LOL I thought mine was bad at only 26%! I knew I wouldn't match most anyone because they were all probably going to pick the beloved Andy Griffith show, which I hated. I didn't buy into Andy's mister nice guy and after reading up on him over the years it turns out I was right, he wasn't all that nice in real life.
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