How well do you remember the one hit wonders of the seventies?
I WONDER how you'll do on this quiz.

The term "One-Hit Wonder" is a bit of a subjective term. Sometimes a song can break the threshold into mainstream popularity, but that doesn't mean that the rest of their music wasn't worthy of the same treatment. Sometimes a band only stays together long enough to produce a single hit, but that doesn't mean there wasn't more on the way. And sometimes an already successful musician with loads of hits begins a side project that produces a single hit that will forever be known as a "One-Hit Wonder."
In any case, these songs get a bad rep, as they're considered anomalies in a band or musician's career. But One-Hit wonders deserve some love in their own hall of fame, so today, we're quizzing you on the lyrics and titles of songs that could be considered One-Hit Wonders.
The song "Spirit In The Sky" says, "When I die and they lay me to rest, I'm gonna go to the place _______."
Vicki Lawrence's 1972 song is titled "The Night The Lights Went Out In _____"
The song "Play That Funky Music" says "I decided quickly to ______ and check out the show."
The song "In The Summertime" says, "In the summertime, when the weather is high you can stretch right up and ______."
Thin Lizzy's 1976 is titled "The Boys Are _____"
The song "I Love The Nightlife" says, "Please don't talk about all of the plans we had for fixin' this broken romance. I want to go _____."
The song "Brandy, You're A Fine Girl" says, "The sailors say, 'Brandy, you're a fine girl' What a good wife you would be. Yeah, your eyes could _____."
Gary Numan's "Cars" says, "Here in my car, I know I've started to think _____."
The song "Layla" by Derek and the Dominoes was co-written by which English musician?
The Knack's 1979 single was titled "My _____"

How well do you remember the one hit wonders of the seventies?
Your Result...
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You're a real quiz-hit-wonder!
Thanks! I did better in 70's than in the 80's quiz.