How well do you know Invaders From Mars?
Mars, it seems, attacks!

Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird... It's a plane... It's... A post-Cuckoo's Nest Louise Fletcher?!
Invaders From Mars is the rare remake that actually might be just as good as the first movie. Both are a lot of fun, and both are worth a watch. But this quiz is about the 1986 movie. So keep that in mind as you peruse the questions, gather your answers, and see how you measure up.
As you look to the skies, be sure to share your thoughts and your score in the comments section below. Good luck!

Say, who directed this picture, anyhow?
And since you know the director, you'll know he directed one of these following movies. Which is it?
This movie's screenwriter, Dan O'Bannon, also wrote all of these EXCEPT which one?
Karen Black, this movie's Linda Magnuson, later starred in which Rob Zombie production?
Karen Black's real-life son stars as which character?
Which SNL alum stars as Ellen Gardner?
Which actor is featured in this movie AND the 1953 original?
What's the name of the General at David's father's military base?
What's the name of the teacher that Lousie Fletcher plays?
The alien ship is stored in a cave in which part of town?

How well do you know Invaders From Mars?
Your Result...
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Which meant, as a kid, I watched the scariest parts from the hall, peeking from the door.