How well do you actually remember The Year Without a Santa Claus?

Prove you remember the best Christmas there ever was...

In 1974, Rankin/Bass turned Phyllis McGinley's 1956 book The Year Without a Santa Claus into an instant Christmas special classic.

With memorable characters and a plot with more twists than the reindeer's route on Christmas Eve, there's no holiday movie quite like it.

Do you remember every song and sigh of this holiday special's sentimental story? See how many questions you can get right below. 

Only those with the most Christmas spirit will get through the quiz unscathed by Heat Miser's bolt. Good luck!
  1. It's called The Year Without a Santa Claus. What happened to Santa?
     Image: Warner Bros. Television Distribution
  2. What’s the name of the city where Santa's elves go to seek proof of that the Christmas spirit still exists?
     Image: Warner Bros. Television Distribution
  3. What are these two elves’ names?
     Image: Warner Bros. Television Distribution
  4. In her song, who does Mrs. Claus say can be Santa?
     Image: Warner Bros. Television Distribution
  5. What do the elves dress the reindeer as to hide his identity?
     Image: Warner Bros. Television Distribution
  6. How long has it been since it snowed in the town where Iggy lives?
     Image: Warner Bros. Television Distribution
  7. In his song, what’s NOT another nickname Snow Miser gives himself?
     Image: Warner Bros. Television Distribution
  8. In his song, Heat Miser says he never wants to see a day beneath how many degrees?
     Image: Warner Bros. Television Distribution
  9. How are Snow Miser and Heat Miser related?
     Image: Warner Bros. Television Distribution
  10. Who lives here?
     Image: Warner Bros. Television Distribution
  11. The letter Santa receives at the end of the special quotes which Christmas carol?
     Image: Warner Bros. Television Distribution
  12. Which of Santa's reindeers are the only ones to feature heavily in the plot?
     Image: Warner Bros. Television Distribution
  13. Does Santa Claus show up on Christmas Day in the end?
     Image: Warner Bros. Television Distribution

How well do you actually remember The Year Without a Santa Claus?

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idkwut2use 62 months ago
Got 'em all--I'm rather a Rankin/Bass expert. ;}
Rickey 66 months ago
You got 7 out of 13
Oh snow! You missed a few...
Geronimo 74 months ago
Tough one......................10/13
stephaniestavropoulos 74 months ago
13/13. Hey, METV, how about a quiz on AYWASC sequel: The Miser Brothers Christmas. Anyone seen this?
CongoBill 74 months ago
10/13 -- I thought I'd do better. Seen this special so many times, but it has been a few years. :-)
Kirsten 74 months ago

You got 13 out of 13
You're on fire! Santa approves of your Christmas spirit!
Take another quiz:
How well do you remember the lyrics to ''Baby, It's Cold Outside
BrownieMom 74 months ago
JeanneH78 74 months ago
To clarify the first question, Santa wanted to skip Christmas because he was not only tired, he caught a terrible head cold. Mickey Rooney spoke as if he were congested the whole show, sniffling and blowing his nose so much it was red.
richardkel JeanneH78 74 months ago
It was a little of both. Santa was sick with a terrible cold, but he also felt tired and disappointed because people didn't really believe in the spirit of Christmas any more.
richardkel JeanneH78 74 months ago
13/13. one of my favorite Christmas specials. Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer is another. I have to watch these every year.
jamesreyes65549 74 months ago
I got 10 out of 13 , because it's been a while seeing it ever since.
Joe 74 months ago
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