Fill in the blank with the correct first names to complete 1970s TV series titles

Wait. Here's who?

 The Everett Collection

If you're a fan of Seventies television, you'll have no trouble naming names of the era, especially when it comes to TV title characters... right?

Right on! If you accept the challenge, keep on scrolling. It starts with bigger hits, then wades into more forgotten Seventies territory. See how far you can go without missing a name. The biggest 1970s TV fans will score 8/10 or better. Good luck!
  1. THE ___________________ BURNETT SHOW
  2. ___________________ JONES
  3. HERE'S ___________________
  4. THE ___________________ NABORS HOUR
  5. ___________________-O
  6. ___________________ AND THE SEA MONSTERS
  7. ___________________ AND THE BEAR
  8. ___________________-12
  9. ___________________ MARSHALL, COUNSELOR AT LAW
  10. ___________________ RAMSEY

Fill in the blank with the correct first names to complete 1970s TV series titles

Your Result...

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WilliamJorns 7 months ago
10 right out of 10. These were just too easy!
LynCarrigan 7 months ago
Hec Ramsey - no clue.
LynCarrigan 7 months ago
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Sachelle 37 months ago
I'm shocked I got 7/10. I guessed most it.
Snickers 42 months ago
9 out of 10. A little to quick with the mouse on # 2.
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