Do you remember the Seventies sensation the Bay City Rollers?

The bubblegum band was all over TV. See if you can guess the shows!


Rollermania swept across America in the mid-Seventies. No, we are not talking about skating. The Bay City Rollers were sold as the biggest thing since the Beatles — and for a time, the band seemed as big with teens.

The glam stomp and sugary choruses of the Rollers delighted listeners raised on the Brady Bunch but not quite ready for KISS. It helped that the boys sported a lot of plaid and big hair. Plaid and hair were everywhere in the 1970s.

Let's see how well you remember this delightful pop group.

  1. The Bay City Rollers came from which country?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  2. Which two TV characters do you spot in this shot?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  3. Who is the character in the middle of the Rollers here?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  4. The Rollers sped to No. 1 on the Billboard pop charts in January 1976 with which smash song?
     Image: Arista
  5. Two members of the Bay City Rollers went on to form the band Pilot. What was the name of their huge Top 10 hit in 1974?
     Image: EMI
  6. 'The Bay City Rollers Show' aired on Saturday mornings in 1978–79 on NBC. What was the ORIGINAL name of this show?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  7. Who is the TV host in the middle of the Rollers here?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  8. Who is the host with Rollers in this television appearance?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  9. Before they were the Bay City Rollers, the band was named after a group of historic people. What were they called?
  10. On October 4, 1975, the Bay City Rollers made their debut on Howard Cosell's variety TV show. What was the name of his show?
     Image: ABC
  11. To chose their band name, the guys threw a dart at a map. It landed near "Bay City." Where is Bay City located?
     Image: Google Maps

Do you remember the Seventies sensation the Bay City Rollers?

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janebond0010 29 months ago
I am a BCR fan and us fans have never abandoned them. We have fan events and this weekend it is Bay City Roller day in Bay City, Michigan. I will be traveling to Scotland for the Roller Show Party weekend to meet up with my BCR friends from the USA, Japan, Holland, Germany, Australia and other countries around the world. We are a big family and talk to each other all the time thanks to technology. We even have a weekly radio show in Scotland that we listen to every Friday at 3 p.m. E.S.T. in the USA. It is Steve Mac and the Rollermania Radio show of 3 hours of BCR music. He plays our BCR requests and shout outs to our BCR family around the world. The radio show can be listened to at
dictracy 53 months ago
Seems I remember a popular poster with them on roller skates, was at my best friends house, so saw it like every day ....
John 53 months ago
I actually liked this band when I was younger. Also the Hudson Brothers.
trogg888 53 months ago
ugliest worst haircut boybands ever
MikeyMello 53 months ago
It’s funny how I so wanted to dislike them as a kid because of my older sister and female cousins screaming over them in their “Tiger Beat” magazine, but today as soon as I hear “S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y” come on the radio now I just smile and turn it up.
WordsmithWorks 53 months ago
Other than "Saturday Night," I don't remember the Bay City Rollers having much more than short-lived popularity. Of course, in the mid 1970's, I was merely a wisp of a child.
Wenatchee7 53 months ago
10/11 I missed S A T U R D A Y Night ( with Howard Cosell )
ElimGarak 53 months ago
10/11. Suddenly feel the need to cover everything with plaid.
FLETCH 53 months ago
10 outta 11. I better know my Bay City Rollers trivia, after all my older sister had every record, magazine, poster etc. Her room was a shrine to them with every inch of wall covered with their faces and their music playing all day, every day.
denny FLETCH 53 months ago
He's actually 6'5, 6'9 with the afro.
RE 53 months ago
MrBill 53 months ago
9/11; missed 9 and 10. Never saw Howard Cosell's show and did not know the group's original name. I am surprised that ABC got away with using the name SNL for Howard Cosell's show since that was a show on NBC on Saturday late nights.
denny 53 months ago
9/11 So did earlier members of BCR leave to form Pilot? The way it's worded doesn't make sense.
MikeyMello denny 53 months ago
I agree, I thought “Magic” from Pilot was a little before or around the same time as BCR.
OldTVfanatic denny 53 months ago
One member, David Paton, was the lead vocalist for Pilot. “Magic,” on which David sang lead, was produced by his future boss Alan Parsons.
JHP 53 months ago
sat night live with Howard Cosell?!?!?


What? Didn't NBC raise a stink about that?

The only one I got wrong...

I AM Thee #1 Who Fan:)
trogg888 53 months ago
cant believe i got 10, that band was so lame.just goes to show what one hit song can do for you,dont remember a second
denny trogg888 53 months ago
They had a hit with I Only Want to be With You. A cover of Dusty Springfield.
Michael denny 53 months ago
"Money Honey" and "You made me believe in Magic" (not to be confused with "Magic" by Pilot) were also top 10 hits for them..
denny Michael 53 months ago
Just went and listen to those 2 songs, may have been hits, but horrible songs.
ETristanBooth 53 months ago
9/11. Wasn't a big fan, but I certainly remember them.
Henderson 53 months ago
10/11 Remember them well, fav song is "You made me believe in magic", it's on my playlist.
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