Did these color shows air any episodes in black and white?

Which episodes are actually monochrome and which ones did we change?


While it’s hard to imagine some shows, like the original Twilight Zone for example, filmed any other way than dramatic black and white, most programs benefited from the switch to color. That doesn’t mean, however, that color series never featured any monochromatic scenes or episodes.

Here are 12 classic color shows. We’ve changed some of them to black and white and some of them already used black in white in certain episodes. Can you guess which ones originally aired as black and white and which ones were always color?

  1. Does M*A*S*H have a black and white episode?
  2. Was this Happy Days crime caper episode originally in black and white?
  3. Is there a black and white Hogan's Heroes episode?
  4. Was the Brady Bunch Thanksgiving home movie in black and white?
  5. Were there any Bonanza episodes in black and white?
  6. Did the Eighties show Moonlighting have a black and white episode?
  7. Is this Star Trek time-travel episode in black and white?
  8. Did Monk ever use black and white in certain scenes?
  9. Is there a black and white episode of Get Smart?
  10. Is this flashback Green Acres episode in black and white?
  11. Is this Matlock episode in black and white?
  12. Is the historical Waltons episode "Day of Infamy" in black and white?

Did these color shows air any episodes in black and white?

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RedSamRackham 29 months ago
* Many of us saw these shows in B&W because we didn't own color TV's! ☺
WGH RedSamRackham 3 months ago
Color TVs were much more expensive.

In fact, my family didn't buy one until around 1980.
STTOS 34 months ago
You got 11 out of 12 - Did you get stumped by a few of these or were the answers clearly in black and white? Missed #8 about Monk. Kind of a tricky question if you don't read it carefully. But that's my fault so I'll take it.
RichLorn 36 months ago
That's my score in black and white.
HankScorpio7956 36 months ago
Larry is right about the finale. I didn't like it either. I like the episodes where it was just funny and not trying to impart a message. I love Mash but there was a lot of really bad episodes. Dreams was the worst episodes of Mash and one of the worst episodes ever. Focusing on Hawkeye was wrong. Should have been done like Friends and not focusing on one character
robyni23 36 months ago
You got 11 out of 12
Did you get stumped by a few of these or were the answers clearly in black and white?
Missed #7
LoveMETV22 36 months ago
#11 aired today. Matlock "The Dame". Wonder if the quiz timing was scheduled to it?
Neither Hogan's Heroes the pilot or M*A*S*H "The interview" are scheduled soon.
daDoctah 36 months ago
I've spoken of this in these blogs before, but there's an episode of "My Favorite Martian" that really messes up the color vs B&W thing. Tim and Martin use the time machine to go back to the silent movie era, and when they return to the present (the late 1960s) they watch the relevant silent film on Tim's little TV set, in full color. (It's season three, the only season of the series in color, and the season in which all but one of the time-travel episodes is set.)
LoveMETV22 daDoctah 36 months ago
Are you referring to S3E3- Martin of the Movies? I guess if they were watching a silent film preview it should have been B&W.
daDoctah LoveMETV22 36 months ago
Exactly. But because CBS was now "all-color", they had to use color everywhere, even in places where it made no sense.
WGH daDoctah 3 months ago
I believe their shows were... In Living Color
grandpa5741 36 months ago
6/12 I’m in the Gray area on this quiz😎
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