Daily Star Trek Quiz: ''Elaan of Troyius''
In which McCoy asks Spock, "Are you out of your Vulcan mind?!"

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.
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This quiz is about Season 3, Episode 13: "Elaan of Troyius." See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

Who is the Troyian ambassador?
Troyius is the outer planet. What is the inner planet?
Who is to be given away in an arranged marriage?
What is the reason for the arranged marriage?
Spock reports that the sensor has picked up a "ghost." What is it really?
Kirk finds the ambassador with a...
Who sabotages the dilithium crystals and kills Watson?
Any man who comes into contact with an Elasian woman's __________ will immediately fall in love with her.
Who discovers the bomb in the Enterprise's engines?
Who says... "Your presence here is interfering with my efficiency. My ability to protect you."?

Daily Star Trek Quiz: ''Elaan of Troyius''
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France Nuyen - "I am Chinese. I am a stone. I go where I am kicked."
Existentialist Nuyen and her husband Robert Culp were both extremely intelligent.
Culp said the psycho/sexual multi-dimensional cosmic mental chess game they played
with each other both exhilarated and exhausted him and he had to leave her before
she destroyed him. I wonder if The Dohlman wasn't more than a little bit based on
Nuyen. But to be fair, that was Culp's version.
Poor Tim Conway, he must hold the record for series that never made it.
I've been trying to find a viewable copy for years to check it out for myself, but the closest I've come is that there's supposed to be a copy in the Museum of Broadcasting in DC that you can watch on the premises; nobody can get an evaluation copy for off-site research. What interests me is that it includes a comedian named Robert Staats that I associate with a fast-talking pitchman like the ones who used to sell gizmos before Ron Popiel took the trade to TV commercials.
especially as George Schlatter was behind it after riding high with Laugh-in.
If MeTV would only do a story on this it would be a big step into a more serious recounting of
TV history for them, instead of dwelling on Marsha Brady.
For instance, contrast what so offended some to today's mores and standards.
You yourself sound like a serious student of broadcasting, thanks for sharing the above.
During filming of this episode, Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated. This was devastating news for many, especially France, as she and her then-husband Robert Culp were huge supporters of RFK.
France would later return to school to obtain a degree and become a Certified Psychologist with a master's degree in Clinical Psychology.
A scene with Mr. Spock playing his Vulcan harp in the ship's arboretum was filmed but edited out.
When James Doohan guest starred as his Scotty character on Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Relics," he refers to this episode.
One of the few episodes in the Star Trek franchise that was both written & directed by the same person, in this case, John Meredyth Lucas.
The title for this episode is a play on the words Helen of Troy.
Ambassador Petri is played by the terrific actor Jay Robinson. His performance in the 1953 film The Robe, and its 1954 sequel Demetrious and the Gladiators as the insane Roman Emperor Caligula is electric.
The last thing I saw her in was The Drew Carey Show, as Oswald's mom.