Can you put the actors from classic shows in order from youngest to oldest?

The age order of these casts may surprise you!


On family shows like The Brady Bunch, determining the birth order of the actors is fairly straightforward. But for Westerns like Gunsmoke or science-fiction series like Star Trek, figuring out who is the youngest and who is the oldest can be a lot harder.

That's exactly what you'll need to do for this quiz!

Try to guess which answer puts all these classic TV actors in order from youngest to oldest.

  1. Put these 'Perry Mason' actors in order from youngest to oldest!
  2. Put these 'Gilligan’s Island' actors in order from youngest to oldest!
  3. Put these 'M*A*S*H' actors in order from youngest to oldest!
  4. Put these 'Gunsmoke' actors in order from youngest to oldest!
  5. Put these 'Andy Griffith Show' actors in order from youngest to oldest!
  6. Put these 'Happy Days' actors in order from youngest to oldest!
  7. Put these 'Addams Family' actors in order from youngest to oldest!
  8. Put these 'Green Acres' actors in order from youngest to oldest!
  9. Put these 'Star Trek' actors in order from youngest to oldest!
  10. Put these 'I Love Lucy' actors in order from youngest to oldest!
  11. Put these 'Waltons' actors in order from youngest to oldest!
  12. Put these 'Love Boat' actors in order from youngest to oldest!

Can you put the actors from classic shows in order from youngest to oldest?

Your Result...

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Shatner1 40 months ago
Missed the 1st 5--then I realized I was doing oldest to youngest instead of youngest to oldest and then I went 7/7.
ThomasPotter Shatner1 9 months ago
I did the same, but I caught it after the 4th question
MrBill 40 months ago
9/12; tough quiz - did the best I could
QazWiz 40 months ago

ages are always sketchy i think granny was younger than mrs Drysdale and I'm sure i heard golden girls Dorthy was older than her mother on show
Hosea 40 months ago
You got #! wrong. Should have been Hopper, Hale, and Burr

MrBill Hosea 40 months ago
You are wrong - according IMDB, Hopper was the oldest and MeTV has the answer correct.
Jon 41 months ago
i'd read that Carolyn Jones was about a year older than John Astin, but apparently he was a month older.

I'm also pretty sure I read that Ted Lange was born in 1950, not 1948.
Greg 41 months ago
4/12 a tough quiz some of them like Jones and Astin were only a month apart.
Keith 41 months ago
5/12 I guessed the five I got correct.
frenchman71 41 months ago
I was terrible! Pitiful, as Jed Clampett would say. I can't even reveal my score, I'm so embarrassed.
FrankensteinLover 41 months ago
7 out of 12 that was really fun and Challenging.
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