Can you name the TV character by just their glasses?
Stare straight ahead and take the ultimate classic TV eye exam.

Good thing it doesn't require 20/20 vision to become a TV star. Some of our favorite actors wore spectacles on the screen, adding an extra accessory to their character that made them all the more memorable.
Think you can pair the right TV character with each pair of glasses shown below? Only the biggest fan of TV's best four-eyed stars can pass this eye exam with a perfect score.
See if you can see this quiz through to the end... or if it's maybe time to get your eyes checked. Good luck!
Which TV character wore these spectacles?
Which friend of a sitcom star wore these glasses on TV?
Which eccentric sitcom character wore this monocle on TV?
Which stylish character wore these glasses on TV?
Which beauty wore these glasses on TV?
Which quirky character wore these glasses on TV?
Which young TV star was stubborn about having to wear glasses in a memorable episode?
Last question. Which sitcom star wore these glasses on TV?

Can you name the TV character by just their glasses?
Your Result...
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