Can you name the celebrities on the cover of TV Guide in 1969?

Recognize these famous faces?

The Sixties were coming to a close. It was a time of change. Culture was changing — and so were TV channels. Because there were so many great shows! It was hard to choose. But TV Guide magazine was there to help you decide.

Here are some covers from the weekly that hit newsstands that year. Put your pop culture skills to the test and try I.D. them!
  1. Recognize these cowboys?
  2. You could find her on which show?
  3. Which cast is assembled here on the train tracks?
  4. The sci-fi stars of this show are trapped in a beaker.
  5. Can you crack the case of who's in this cast?
  6. That is Jodie Foster's big brother, Buddy. He starred on which sitcom?
  7. Recognize this cast? Don't blow it!
  8. Of course, the biggest show of the year was filmed on the moon. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin reached the moon on which Apollo mission?
  9. This TV legend was best known for which classic series?
  10. Who is the woman at the 'Today' desk?
  11. Who is this funny face?
  12. This crooner hosted a variety show from 1962–71.
  13. He hosted a show on national television from 1955 to 1982.

Can you name the celebrities on the cover of TV Guide in 1969?

Your Result...

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Antenna2 16 months ago
11 - the image was not Barbara Walters : )
Runeshaper 65 months ago
You got 9 out of 13
What a sharp mind! Nothing gets by you. You're a regular Perry Mason of TV trivia.
Rickey 69 months ago
You got 13 out of 13
You're a regular Perry Mason of TV trivia.
CaroleThorpe 69 months ago
You got 13 out of 13
What a sharp mind! Nothing gets by you. You're a regular Perry Mason of TV trivia.
ndebrabant 69 months ago

You got 13 out of 13
What a sharp mind! Nothing gets by you. You're a regular Perry Mason of TV trivia.
EllisClevenger 74 months ago
You got 11 out of 13
What a sharp mind! Nothing gets by you. You're a regular Perry Mason of TV trivia.
leebilly 75 months ago
That #13 photo is Soupy Sales. since the correct answer is Lawrence Welk, have the face loojks like him
CruiseGirl4Life 76 months ago
13/13 and there was nothing better than that copy of TV Guide, its caricatures and those great crossword puzzles!
MrBill 76 months ago
12/13; missed Apollo 11. I was never big on the Space stuff.
Lacey 76 months ago
12/13 Thought that guy was Soupy Sales.
VenturaCapitalist 76 months ago
Hugh Downs, Joe Garagiola and Frank Blair.
Terrence 76 months ago
You have to look very carefully at the pictures.............................13/13
booster 76 months ago
#13 looked more like Soupy Sales then Lawrence Welk.
MaryHelen booster 75 months ago
yes but soupy sales did not have a show for 27 years-- got to read the clues too
Siglund 76 months ago
Missed the "W"s: Walters and Welk. Caricatures are poor.
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