Can you plug the right name into hit 1970s songs?

Say, Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet?

Today, we've twisted the name game to make it all about 1970s music.

Scroll through the songs below and see if you can put a name to all these Seventies hit songs. Good luck!
  1. Choose the right name to complete the 1970s song: My __________________
  2. Choose the right name to complete the 1970s song: __________________ and the Jets
  3. Choose the right name to complete the 1970s song: Me and __________________ McGee
  4. Choose the right name to complete the 1970s song: __________________ (You're a Fine Girl)
  5. Choose the right name to complete the 1970s song: Big Bad __________________ Brown
  6. Choose the right name to complete the 1970s song: __________________ Is a Punk Rocker
  7. Choose the right name to complete the 1970s song: __________________ Stardust
  8. Choose the right name to complete the 1970s song: Sir __________________
  9. Choose the right name to complete the 1970s song: Sweet __________________
  10. Choose the right name to complete the 1970s song: Moving Out (__________________'s Song)
  11. Choose the right name to complete the 1970s song: Whole Lotta __________________
  12. Choose the right name to complete the 1970s song: __________________ Sixteen
  13. Choose the right name to complete the 1970s song: Love Grows (Where My __________________ Grows)

Can you plug the right name into hit 1970s songs?

Your Result...

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WILD 41 months ago
You got 13 out of 13
It takes more than a few different names to slow down a rocker like you.

My favorite song out of this quiz is Sweet Jane followed by Christine Sixteen (When I saw you coming out of school that day, I knew, I knew I've got to have you, I've got to have you - Written/Sung by Gene Simmons from 1977 Love Gun album).
BobOakes 41 months ago
What the &"*:!; was that? 11/13.
DerekBird 56 months ago
You got 12 out of 13
It takes more than a few different names to slow down a rocker like you. Never heard of Sir duke.
MaryAnn DerekBird 56 months ago
They played the heck out of Stevie Wonder’s Sir Duke on pop radio in the late 70s/early 80s. It was one of those songs where the title is only mentioned once, very obscurely. My sister and I thought it was called, “You Can Feel It All Over”!
WILD MaryAnn 41 months ago
Now that you've said that I now know what song it is. I love that song and I also thought that that was the title. Thank you.
LynCarceo 56 months ago
9 out of 13. Well, I don't think I heard of 1/2 of them, I guessed correctly on a couple.
Dave 65 months ago
I got 13/13! Whoever put this quiz together made a couple of mistakes, though. It was "BAD, Bad Leroy Brown" by Jim Croce, not "Big Bad Leroy Brown", and the song's title was "Love Grows (Where My Rosemary GOES)" by Edison Lighthouse, and not "Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Grows)"!
Amalthea 69 months ago
13/13...knew most of them. I went through it so fast I didn't even pick up on the mistakes.
EllisClevenger 75 months ago
You got 6 out of 13
Ooh, unfortunately you haven't got The Knack for this quiz after all.
I guess I'm not musically inclined.
CruiseGirl4Life 76 months ago
8/13 is epic for me. I stopped listening to music in 1969!
Tresix 76 months ago
11/13. Never heard of the "Punk Rocker" song and also blew the "Sweet Jane" one. BTW, the title of song is "Bad Bad Leroy Brown" not "Big Bad Leroy Brown".
Randall 76 months ago
Who are the roofpreaders for these quizzes....does not anyone care about proper spelling and meanings anymore.. or do we have to deny on gooble miss correct for almond everyting now !!!
RobCertSDSCascap 76 months ago
11/13! I'm coming for you, Brian.

Brian Griffin: What's it called?
Stewie Griffin: Susie.
Brian Griffin: Wow, a song named after a girl. There aren't a million of those already.
Stewie Griffin: Name twenty!
Brian Griffin: Rosanna, Roxanne, Michelle, Alison, Sarah, Angie, Brandy, Mandy, Gloria, Cecilia, Maggie May, Jessica, Nancy, Barbara Ann, Billie Jean, Layla, Lola, Polly, Helena, Jenny From the Block.
Stewie Griffin: Name six more!
Brian Griffin: Sherry, Laura, Wendy, Maria, Peggy Sue, Minnie the Moocher.
Stewie Griffin: Name five more!
Brian Griffin: Tracy, Jean, Jane, Mary Ann, Eleanor Rigby.
Stewie Griffin: [throws his guitar down on the ground; as he walks out:] Go *%$&# yourself!
Thanks for the chuckle.
Dicazi 76 months ago
Several were guesses.
Sweet Jane?

Barry22 76 months ago
13/13, Kiss, ACDC, Ramones, and Velvet Underground? Not bad, MeTV, not bad. Brownsville Station and Mott the Hoople also released versions of 'Sweet Jane' in the 70's.
nerakr 76 months ago
6/13. Better than I expected. Born in late '60s and I didn't grow up with rock and pop.
cperrynaples 76 months ago
12/13! Missed the Ramones, and I was a fan! Strange you would include Whole Lotta Rosie because [1] Whole Lotta Love was a bigger song [but not a girl's name so it wouldn't work for this quiz] and [2] when I saw Whole Lotta BLANK my first thought was John Lennon's Whole Lotta Yoko!
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