Can you name all these 1960s TV shows?
Prove your knowledge of '60s TV is outta sight.

As studios look to the 1970s and '80s for reboot fodder, fans of classic TV knows that it's the 1960s when the most untouchable TV was made. It was a decade full of imaginative concepts that allowed our TV sets to provide a true escape, and not just to another time, but to another world entirely.
Think you know just about every hit show that came out of this wildly creative period in TV history?
Take this quiz and see if you can score 8/10 and prove your knowledge of 1960s TV is outta sight. Good luck!
This is a main character from a hit 1960s show that basically struck oil as an enduring franchise when it became a hit movie, too. Which show is it?
Sci-fi fans know just where to find a space scene like this. Which 1960s show is it?
There's a lot of commotion in this scene, but fans of this show know it's usually a pretty quiet place. Which 1960s show is pictured here?
Here's another busy scene, but we're pretty used to calamity on this base. Which 1960s show is pictured here?
When it comes to TV Westerns, there are few more colorful than this one. Which 1960s show is it?
Here we see a star character in a most unusual setting on which 1960s show?
Every episode of this 1960s show promised to hit you with a POW! ending. Which 1960s show is it?
Here's we see another star of a quirky 1960s show that some might say was out of this world. Which 1960s show is pictured here?
Image: Telepictures Corporation
Raymond Burr was one of the best actors on TV in the 1960s. Which of his hit shows is pictured here?:
Here's another 1960s show that always packed a punch. Which 1960s show is it?

Can you name all these 1960s TV shows?
Your Result...
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Women's Svengoolie® T-Shirt

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

You got 9 out of 10
Outta sight! You weren't joking when you said you knew your 1960s shows!
Missed Ironside....i thought that one came in the 70's
Outta sight! You weren't joking when you said you knew your 1960s shows!
Missed Ironside....i thought that one came in the 70's
10 of 10, only one I had a little problem with was number 9, Ironside or Perry Mason.
I missed the one with Raymond Burr. I didn't look at that picture good enough.