Can you match these swimming pools to the correct TV show?

No running!

It's time to cool off and dive headfirst into some classic television.

These series knew how to make a splash — just add water. Below, you will find 14 pools from classic TV shows. Try to match the scene to the correct title. Will you sink or swim?
  1. Sometimes you have to improvise.
  2. Now that's how you make a big splash on TV!
  3. If you can't make it to the pool, fake it.
  4. Don't trust a man who wears a top hat to a pool.
  5. Now that is an above-ground pool.
  6. Is that why they call it "falling in" love?
  7. It's take a keen eye.
  8. Now that is how you chill in the pool.
  9. Every once in a while, a fellow has to get out of town.
  10. Careful where you step on the diving board!
  11. See if you recognize this character lounging by the pool.
  12. This is the scene from the series finale of which classic show?
  13. This man is making a splash on which TV show?
  14. Can you spot the main character enjoying a poolside lunch?

Can you match these swimming pools to the correct TV show?

Your Result...

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Coolrain 20 months ago
You got 12 out of 14
Bravo! You sure know how to make a splash.
DerekBird 42 months ago
Missed #7 & #9 (That's a pretty cheeky bathing suit to have been on Clodumbo).
EllisClevenger 50 months ago
You got 13 out of 14
Bravo! You sure know how to make a splash.
Missed #9
rycki1138 64 months ago
14 out of 14
Bravo! You sure know how to make a splash.
LeeHarper 68 months ago
You got 13 out of 14
Bravo! You sure know how to make a splash.
Missed #9. I just didn't recognize Andy
jerome 68 months ago
The series finale of The Twilight Zone was actually "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" which aired February 28, 1964 and September 11, 1964, which was the last time Twilight Zone aired during its original run, according to "The Twilight Zone Companion" by Marc Scott Zicree. "Come Wander With Me" aired May 22, 1964.
Wiseguy jerome 37 months ago
When people use the term "series finale," they mean the last new episode aired. However, this episode "The Bewitchin' Pool" wasn't a true finale as many people misuse the term. Most series at this time didn't do season or series finales. A finale has some sort of closure either for the characters or the viewers or both. "The Bewitchin' Pool" was just another episode which happened to have been shown last. Any other episode could have been the last episode as well. But that doesn't make it a "finale."
MrBill 68 months ago
13/14; missed Columbo though I still know how to make a splash.
Lacey 68 months ago
14/14 Wow, 2/3 are episodes I have actually seen, the others were from the clues you gave us.
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