Can you match character initials to the correct classic TV shows?

Try to I.D. TV stars like B.J., D.J., J.D. and more.

Some TV shows have characters with names as long as your arm. Others introduce us by just a couple initials.

Do you think you know just about every TV character who went by his or her initials?

See if you can do A-OK on this quiz and match every pair of initials to the show they were carved into. Good luck!
  1. Pick the show that featured a character named: B.J.
  2. Pick the show that featured a character named: J.R.
  3. Pick the show that featured a character named: A.C.
  4. Pick the show that featured a character named: J.J.
  5. Pick the show that featured a character named: B.A.
  6. Pick the show that featured a character named: D.J.
  7. Pick the show that featured a character named: A.J.
  8. Pick the show that featured a character named: CJ
  9. Pick the show that featured a character named: CC
  10. Pick the show that featured a character named: J.D.

Can you match character initials to the correct classic TV shows?

Your Result...

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Snickers 43 months ago
9 out of 10. Never watched Baywatch so didn't know who CJ was.
EllisClevenger 68 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
Hey, you did A-OK with all these characters who only go by initials!
STTOS 68 months ago
You got 8 out of 10 - Hey, you did A-OK with all these characters who only go by initials! Missed # and #9. Again went 0 for 2 on my guesses. Dagnabit!!!
Jltitus89 68 months ago
I thought for sure JD would be Boss Hogg from The Dukes of Hazzard but that wasn't one of the choices. The I remembered Mr. Drysdale often reffered to Jed as JD Clampett
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Jacqueline05478 68 months ago
Guess you don't have to spell correctly for this job.
UTZAAKE 68 months ago
9/10. Foiled by the last one yet again.
5. The CW's iZombie had a character named Floyd Baracus who served as Seattle's district attorney. DA Baracus, get it!
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Corey 68 months ago
JeffTanner 68 months ago
''You got 9 out of 10'' ----------Actually, There were at least 2 TV shows that had characters named B.J., M*A*S*H and B.J. and The Bear, which starred Greg Evigan as a trucker with his pal, a chimp named Bear.
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