Can you match these hairstyles to the correct Brady?

There's plenty of far-out hairstyles in this quiz, don't get it tangled!

 CBS Television Distribution

Long, short, straight, curly and messy.... The Brady Bunch had all sorts of hairstyles! 

The girls all had hair of gold, but some had longer hair than others. The boys all had short hair... that is until it grew longer as they grew up! 

See if you can recongnize your favorite member of the Bunch by just their hairstyle alone! 

Some characters are in here more than once, so choose your answer carefully! 

Watch The Brady Bunch on MeTV!

Sundays at 10 & 10:30 AM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. This short hairstyle belongs to who?
     CBS Television Distribution
  2. Which of the Brady boys does this wig belong to?
     CBS Television Distribution
  3. Who sports this hair of gold?
     CBS Television Distribution
  4. Which Brady young lady wore her hair in curls?
     CBS Television Distribution
  5. Back to the boys, can you tell who sported this look?
     CBS Television Distribution
  6. How about this one?
     CBS Television Distribution
  7. This long hair belong to which Brady girl?
     CBS Television Distribution
  8. This version of curly hair belonged to who?
     CBS Television Distribution
  9. The trend of long-haired girls continues with this look. Whose head belongs under this hair?
     CBS Television Distribution
  10. Back to the shorter side. Whose hair is this?
     CBS Television Distribution
  11. This hairdo is all over the place! Which Brady child does it belong to?
     CBS Television Distribution
  12. How about this look?
     CBS Television Distribution

Can you match these hairstyles to the correct Brady?

Your Result...

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Coldnorth 29 months ago
Did awful. I hang my head in shame
JanFresh 30 months ago
11/12 I've literally watched this show a gazillion and one times throughout my life.
bradyguy JanFresh 24 months ago
Literally? A Gazillion?

Or figuratively? LOL
327053 30 months ago
10/12 You can almost see there faces in these 😁
jtrain 30 months ago
11/12, got #6 wrong.
Jackhammer jtrain 9 months ago
Me too.. Thought it was Mike's hair
Moverfan 30 months ago
9/12. So the answer to the title question is...yeah, mayyybe...?
paul 30 months ago
That was a great quiz 10/12. Not bad for this Brady fan!!😎
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