Can you match these doctors to the right Westerns?
More than just physicians — there were villains, snake oil salesmen and a certain gunslinging dentist.

Whether they were a part of the main cast or not, there are countless episodes of classic Westerns that feature a doctor in an important role. After all, the West was a dangerous place where sometimes the landscape itself could hurt you as much as any gunslinger.
The title “Doctor” or “Doc” was also given out a little more freely back then. Here are some of our favorite doctors from TV Westerns, though not all are actual physicians. Can you guess which show each one is from?

Which show is Doc Adams from?
This young doctor came to town in which show?
What is the full title of her series?
Dr. Loveless was a villain on which show?
Many different actors played Doc Burrage in which series?
Doc Martin also had a few different faces in which Western?
The man in the top hat insisted on being called "Doc" though his cures were dubious in an episode of which show?
June Lockhart played Dr. Phyllis Thackeray in two episodes of which show?
Before he was Nick Barkley in The Big Valley, Peter Breck played the infamous gunslinger/dentist Doc Holliday in which Western?
He was the title character in the episode "The Dr. Denker Story" of which show?
In the episode "A Woman's Place" she bravely performed her medical duties in the face of prejudice in which Western?
A version of Doc Holliday also showed up in an episode of which sci-fi show?

Can you match these doctors to the right Westerns?
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Match the Drs hit 9/12
Can you tell don’t have much to do right now doing all these quizzes thanks I enjoy these
Can you tell don’t have much to do right now doing all these quizzes thanks I enjoy these
Okay movie quizzers. Get ready for this weeks MQ and coming attractions. You'll see previews, Bonus movie coming and a video entertainment up for early viewing. Your best guesses and enthusiasm needed come Friday. The Pillow Talk is that Texasluva is showing Some Like It Hot with 12 Angry Men but that would be 20 Million Miles From Earth that he is really going to anyone of those. Think again. Don't listen to the street talk. You get what I have locked up in a huge vault with the combination only known to me. With my movie quizzes going down in Nano or is it Pico seconds one can't be to careful. Let's start this off with Entertainment just to get the juice's flowing for what else is to come.
76 Trombones (Full Scene) - The Music Man (1962). .
We March around to find Bonus movie #2.
The Blob (1958) 1 hr 26 min of craziness and fun.
Now Bonus Movie #1 is a secret but one of the best movies of the 21st century. One of those 9.0 off the chart types.
So what is in ones weekend future.
Backdraft a Ron Howard production (1991)
Kurt Russell-Donald Sutherland- Robert De Niro
007 I think it will be.
Dr. No (1962)
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76 Trombones (Full Scene) - The Music Man (1962). .
We March around to find Bonus movie #2.
The Blob (1958) 1 hr 26 min of craziness and fun.
Now Bonus Movie #1 is a secret but one of the best movies of the 21st century. One of those 9.0 off the chart types.
So what is in ones weekend future.
Backdraft a Ron Howard production (1991)
Kurt Russell-Donald Sutherland- Robert De Niro
007 I think it will be.
Dr. No (1962)
I thought you would. I had a good laugh remembering them. I remember a few old tv shows and also the movie Die Hard the word Booby was used. The big mouth guy using that phrase to Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman) in a scene. Though Hans ended up killing him anyway to get back at John McClane (Bruce Willis). I think that if Hans knew what the word meant he would have killed on the spot. Though there is some confusion as to if he said Booby, bobbe, bubby or because Ellis (Hart Bochner) was on a coke related trip and meant some sort of insult. His total undoing by opening his mouth instead of shutting his yap. Die Hard has many funny one-liners you can check out.
On Alan Rickman was one of my favorite bad guys 80's to early 2000's. Die Hard, Quigley Down Under, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and others.
On Alan Rickman was one of my favorite bad guys 80's to early 2000's. Die Hard, Quigley Down Under, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and others.
!!Wanted!! but preferred Alive
Those that wish to participate in the Weekly Movie Quiz.
Conversation as to what this movie might be
Winners name in MeTV Lights
Just plain ole fun
Let's Do it at: Can you match these Thanksgiving dinners to the right shows?
Friday @ 10:00 P.M CT
The Show Must Go On-Another knock down quizorama and entertainment.
#2 Bonus movie The Blob 😯
Those that wish to participate in the Weekly Movie Quiz.
Conversation as to what this movie might be
Winners name in MeTV Lights
Just plain ole fun
Let's Do it at: Can you match these Thanksgiving dinners to the right shows?
Friday @ 10:00 P.M CT
The Show Must Go On-Another knock down quizorama and entertainment.
#2 Bonus movie The Blob 😯
!!Wanted!! but preferred Alive
Those that wish to participate in the Weekly Movie Quiz.
Conversation as to what this movie might be
Winners name in MeTV Lights
Just plain ole fun
Let's Do it at: Can you match these Thanksgiving dinners to the right shows?
Friday @ 10:00 P.M CT
The Show Must Go On-Another knock down quizorama and entertainment.
#2 Bonus movie The Blob 😯
Those that wish to participate in the Weekly Movie Quiz.
Conversation as to what this movie might be
Winners name in MeTV Lights
Just plain ole fun
Let's Do it at: Can you match these Thanksgiving dinners to the right shows?
Friday @ 10:00 P.M CT
The Show Must Go On-Another knock down quizorama and entertainment.
#2 Bonus movie The Blob 😯