Can you match the song to the correct animated Disney movie?
This quiz has got no strings to hold you down, if you're a true Disney fan!

Disney's animated movies have long been loved for their incredible soundtracks, with singalong tracks kids and parents have been belting out for decades.
Think you know a Disney movie from just one song?
It's off to work you go! Put it to the test below!
"When You Wish Upon a Star"
"The Bare Necessities"
"The Unbirthday Song"
"Part of Your World"
"The Siamese Cat Song"
"A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes"
"Following the Leader"
"That's What Makes the World Go Round"

Can you match the song to the correct animated Disney movie?
Your Result...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec ante ipsum. Mauris viverra, urna et porta sagittis, lorem diam dapibus diam, et lacinia libero quam id risus.

The Goonies Playing Cards

Svengoolie® T-Shirt

Women's Svengoolie® T-Shirt

Gwengoolie™ Kiss T-Shirt

I Love Lucy - Lucy Lines

You got 8 out of 10
Way to prove you followed Disney animated movies, wherever they may go!
Missed #7 and #8
Way to prove you followed Disney animated movies, wherever they may go!
Missed #7 and #8
Isn't it "The BEAR Necessities"? Also, "Lady And The Tramp" -- not "The".
9/10, got mixed up on #5. Snow White was the very first movie we took our daughter to, when it got rereleased to the movie theaters. I think it was 1993. And I remember my father taking us to see Jungle Book, and he would imitate Baloo the Bear.