Can you guess what these Star Trek characters are holding?

See if you can handle this quiz.

 CBS Television Distribution

Star Trek used its science fiction elements to reference social issues, imagine future technologies and even visit the past.

Here are 14 images from the classic space series. Each one features a character with something in their hands. Can you guess if it’s a piece of technology, an ancient weapon or something else entirely?

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  1. What is Kirk holding to his face here?
     CBS Television Distribution
  2. Kirk is on the move with what in his hand here?
     CBS Television Distribution
  3. Here, Spock is fiddling with...
     CBS Television Distribution
  4. What is Uhura marveling at here?
     CBS Television Distribution
  5. What kind of weapon is Kirk holding in this still from "Where No Man Has Gone Before"?
     CBS Television Distribution
  6. In "Is There in Truth No Beauty?" Spock and Dr. Miranda Jones bring what aboard the Enterprise?
     CBS Television Distribution
  7. What is McCoy holding in this still from "Requiem for Methuselah"?
     CBS Television Distribution
  8. What is Spock holding here?
     CBS Television Distribution
  9. In the episode "Plato's Stepchildren" Kirk and Spock hold...
     CBS Television Distribution
  10. What is Kirk holding here in "All Our Yesterdays"?
     CBS Television Distribution
  11. What is Dr. McCoy holding over Spock in this image?
     CBS Television Distribution
  12. In "Spock's Brain" a mysterious woman appears on the bridge with what on her wrist?
     CBS Television Distribution
  13. What is Spock touching here in "The Changeling"?
     CBS Television Distribution
  14. In "The Man Trap" Kirk offers McCoy...
     CBS Television Distribution

Can you guess what these Star Trek characters are holding?

Your Result...

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EllisClevenger 50 months ago
You got 14 out of 14
You rolled right through this quiz. Great job!
MikeFranklin 54 months ago
13/14. Missed the last one. Didn't remember the plant, so I thought it was a drink. Could have been.
Mirramanee 54 months ago
Being as diehard a Trekker as they come (since the first run of the third season of TOS), it would have been embarrassing if I did not ace this quiz.
IdaKnow56 54 months ago
14 out of 14. I know my classic Trek!
RockySullivan 54 months ago
Wow, with some of these scores seems like I never saw the show. 12/14
FatOlBroad 54 months ago
Can you guess what these Star Trek characters are holding?
You got 14 out of 14
You rolled right through this quiz. Great job!
BubbaPacha77511 54 months ago
0/14....... jk only missed one....big ol' trekkie when i was a kid
TXGeek 54 months ago
You got 14 out of 14
You rolled right through this quiz. Great job!

Easy-peasy, as it should be. I mean, it's not like I've been watching this show weekly for decades, or anything. 😉
jimmyvici 54 months ago
11/14....I’m a Trek dork I guess. 🥴
Runeshaper 54 months ago
You got 10 out of 14

Not bad as I haven't finished the series...yet ;)
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