Can you guess these cartoon characters by their T-shirts?
Prove you know cartoons to a Tee.
On our favorite TV shows, the wardrobes often changed, but the most memorable cartoon characters all have their own signature looks.
Think you can tell a cartoon just from its T-shirt?
Prove you know all these cartoon characters to a tee. Good luck!
Pick the cartoon character who wears this shirt:
Pick the cartoon character who wears this shirt:
Pick the cartoon character who wears this shirt:
Pick the cartoon character who wears this shirt:
Pick the cartoon character who wears this shirt:
Pick the cartoon character who wears this shirt:
Pick the cartoon character who wears this shirt:
Image: Paramount Television
Pick the cartoon character who wears this shirt:
Pick the cartoon character who wears this shirt:
Last question shows a little extra spirit. Pick the show that featured these cartoon cheerleaders: