Can you guess the hit sitcom from the last scene of its final episode?
Prove you really did get the last laugh.

Today's quiz is all about happy endings.
Think you can match the very last shot from sitcoms of the 1950s to the 1990s to the correct hit series we pulled it from?
See if you can be the one who truly gets the last laugh today. Good luck!

Watch The Andy Griffith Show on MeTV!
Weeknights at 8 & 8:30, Sundays at 12 & 6 PM
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Pick the hit sitcom that ended with this scene:
Pick the hit sitcom that ended with this scene:
Pick the hit sitcom that ended with this scene:
Pick the hit sitcom that ended with this scene:
Pick the hit sitcom that ended with this scene:
Pick the hit sitcom that ended with this scene:
Pick the hit sitcom that ended with this scene:
Pick the hit sitcom that ended with this scene:
Image: Warner Bros. Television Distribution
Pick the hit sitcom that ended with this scene:
Pick the hit sitcom that ended with this scene:

Can you guess the hit sitcom from the last scene of its final episode?
Your Result...
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The Goonies Playing Cards

Svengoolie® T-Shirt

Women's Svengoolie® T-Shirt

Gwengoolie™ Kiss T-Shirt

I Love Lucy - Lucy Lines

9/10. Always wished the final scene from "Hogan's Hero's" would have had the POW's being freed by the allies coming to the gate.
Doesn't the porch on the last scene of The Andy Griffith Show look like the porch from the Waltons house?
9/10. That last one didn't look like anything. What was it?
9/10 and that image representing Cheers was a tad blurred for these eyes. Ah heck, now I'll be humming that one the rest of the evening 😂!!!
9/10; missed only Friends because I was not a big fan and never watched that show.
"You got 9 out of 10" -------Hats off to you! I got #4 wrong, I said it was "Gilligan's Island", when it was really M*A*S*H, because I couldn't see all of the picture.
As I've said before, I'll say it again: I amaze even myself when I do these quizzes. I'm able to get 100% on all of all them, even though the questions are very tough. A few of them are for shows that I didn't even watch, like "Cheers", "Friends" or "The Mary Tyler Moore Show". I just got lucky, that all.