Can you fill in these Star Trek episode titles with the correct names?
Whose brain was it? Use your brain.

From Enterprise crew to aliens, Star Trek gave us dozens of memorable characters. But only a select few of them got to have episodes named in their honor.
Other episodes titles in the Original Series referenced ancient philosophers, gods, kings and astronomers.
A true Trekkie can fill in these blanks with the correct names at warp speed. Can you?

"________ X"
"_______'s Women"
"The _______ Seven"
"Who Mourns for _______?"
"I, ________"
"_______'s Brain"
"_______'s Stepchildren"
"_______ of Troyius"
"The Mark of _______"
"Requiem for ________"

Can you fill in these Star Trek episode titles with the correct names?
Your Result...
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10/10 I know my TOS episode titles and stories. I can give some TNG titles and know the plots. A few DS9s, Voyagers and Enterprises.
You got 10 out of 10 - You sure know your Star Trek! Either that or you make highly logical guesses. Very easy because, yes I do know my Star Trek. :)
Can you fill in these Star Trek episode titles with the correct names?
You got 10 out of 10
You sure know your Star Trek! Either that or you make highly logical guesses.
You got 10 out of 10
You sure know your Star Trek! Either that or you make highly logical guesses.
2/10.Remembering episode titles of tv shows you watched sometimes isn't easy,and I never watched ST.