Can you fill in the missing character names for these Gunsmoke episode titles?

It’s time to name names in Dodge City.


It's not surprising that a show like Gunsmoke had different iterations over it's incredibly long 20-year run. Some episodes were action-packed, some were more dialogue heavy. Many were dramatic but there were plenty of humorous installments as well.

The titles of the episodes reflect this variety. Here are a selection of episodes that use a character’s name in the title. Can you fill in the right name for each one?

Watch Gunsmoke on MeTV!

Monday - Saturday at 1 PM & 1:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. "_____ Gets it"
  2. "_____-Cornered"
  3. "_____-Cident"
  4. "Us _____"
  5. "_____'s Mail Order Bride"
  6. "Deputy _____"
  7. "_____'s Love Story"
  8. "Never Pester _____"
  9. "Alias ____ ____"
  10. "_____'s Love Affair"
  11. "_____ for Murder"
  12. "_____'s Dilemma"
  13. "_____ Caught"

Can you fill in the missing character names for these Gunsmoke episode titles?

Your Result...

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bjmag18 35 months ago
13 out of 13! Love Gunsmoke!
CANARYMETV666 35 months ago
11 of 13,Gunsmoke is my favorite western
Jamesatkinson 35 months ago
12 out of 13, Gunsmoke: Definitely My Favorite TV Western.
rahodge 35 months ago
I just wish Gunsmoke came on more often. Love the show and thank you MeTV for showing it.
country44 35 months ago
got 9 out of 13 I'm 63 should have aced it
Gayleistoons 35 months ago
I'm happy that enjoying a show doesn't hinge on the facts that you remember titles. Good grief, there is a thing as too much TV. GO LIVE LIFE
rahodge Gayleistoons 35 months ago
Never enough old shows. Better than live shows.
Moverfan 35 months ago
10 out of 13. Not bad for a show I never watched--not to mention it started eight years before I was born and ended the year my sister was born.
dodgebob 35 months ago
8/13, thought I'd do better.
Catman 35 months ago
9/13 and that's a lot better than I figured I would do.
jtrain 35 months ago
11/13, got the last 2 wrong.
CaptainDunsel 35 months ago
I can't swear to ever having watched a full episode. (And I'm *almost* old enough to have watched it all in first run!) A handful were just obvious, such as "Never Pester ____", "____-Cornered" and "_____-Cident".
buckshott 35 months ago
11/13 I watch and enjoy "Gunsmoke", but I missed a couple of answers.

Toonhead 35 months ago
AUUUGH I only went 9/13. Balloon brickbats for me! I’m also a fan of the old radio show, and some of the titles were familiar. Anyone else aware of these. William Conrad (Cannon) played Matt!
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