Can you complete the titles of these TV shows from 1961?

Fill in the blank with the correct number!


Try not to draw a blank — fill them instead!

We gathered 11 television shows from the year 1961. There is just one thing missing from each: a number!

See if you can plug in the correct number. It may start easy, but it takes a TV trivia expert to get all of them!

  1. My _ Sons
  2. Car __, Where Are You?
  3. __ Sunset Strip
  4. Surfside _
  5. Route __
  6. Alcoa Presents: ___ ___ Beyond
  7. There was a country music showcase called: _ Star Jubilee
  8. In the daytime, you could watch the game show: __ Keys
  9. Viewers got nostalgic with: The Roaring __s
  10. Remember this mob crime series: Cain's _____ ?
  11. How about this police series: __th Precinct

Can you complete the titles of these TV shows from 1961?

Your Result...

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ttenchantr 25 months ago
8 out of 11. Not bad for having been born 1963 and only having seen one of the shows.
HopeDuchaine 26 months ago
8/11. There are a few that I have never heard of.
SoniaSoto 37 months ago
I wasn't born until '66 but I did fair on this quiz. I love watching all of the shows on MeTV, many that were way before my time!
Terrence SoniaSoto 37 months ago
Me too
Get it😆😂
Tresix 37 months ago
7/11. I would have been a year old in ‘61.
Lacey 37 months ago
8 out of 11 which is not bad as I was not born yet.
Dajj 44 months ago
7/11 Shows I never heard of or have seen!!
Coldnorth Dajj 41 months ago
I have same score as you. Never heard of some of them either
Flash4001 44 months ago
Not bad for 3 years before I was born
trogg888 44 months ago
i was 8 when these shows came out so missed a lot
TSeym22 44 months ago
7/11 Never heard of a lot of them. Had a couple lucky guesses.
MrBill 44 months ago
9/11; not too bad of a score considering I only knew the first 6 and had to guess on the rest.
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