Can you ace this true or false quiz about Adam-12?

Proceed with caution on these 12 questions 10-4?


Premiering in September of 1968, Adam-12 portrayed the trials and tribulations of two LAPD officers making their rounds. Sometimes the adventures were funny, sometimes they were heart-wrenching. More often than not, they were a mix of both.

How well do you know this classic police drama? Test your knowledge of characters, production and trivia facts in this true or false quiz.

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  1. The name “Adam” is the first name of a main character on the show.
  2. Adam-12 takes place in the same universe as the 1960s Dragnet reboot.
  3. Actors Kent McCord and Martin Milner never actually drove a real car. All of the police cruiser shots were done in a studio with rear projection.
  4. The show was produced in collaboration with the LAPD to make it as realistic as possible.
  5. Adam-12 was Martin Milner’s first time working with creator Jack Webb.
  6. Officer Jim Reed (played by Kent McCord) had a wife and child, but Milner’s character, Officer Pete Malloy, never even had a girlfriend on the show.
  7. The voice of the dispatcher on the show was provided by a woman who worked as an actual emergency dispatcher.
  8. Officer Reed was supposed to be a recent police academy graduate in his early twenties but Kent McCord was actually in his thirties when the show started.
  9. Adam-12 was so accurate that some episodes were used as instructional material in some police academies.
  10. The same car, a blue Ford Maverick, appears somewhere in nearly every episode of the show.
  11. Both McCord and Milner’s sons acted in episodes of Adam-12.
  12. Officer Ed Wells, a friendly rival on the show, was played by Bing Crosby’s son, Gary.

Can you ace this true or false quiz about Adam-12?

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Dudeski_69 23 months ago
I love Adam 12 and Dragnet.
Adamtwelvia Dudeski_69 14 months ago
Me too. And I love M*A*S*H* as well.
EllisClevenger 44 months ago
You got 11 out of 12
You've got experience. You're no fresh-faced academy recruit!
EllisClevenger 49 months ago
You got 11 out of 12
You've got experience. You're no fresh-faced academy recruit!
Missed #11
What happens, when you go too fast?
You stub your toe, and you miss one question.
JERRY6 50 months ago
8 of 12 , another fail , shoukd have done better missed obvious questions
Olivia_Reed 52 months ago
12 out of 12! I broke my ankle in 2013 and watched every single episode of Adam-12 repeatedly while I was recovering. I watched them UNCUT on Antenna TV. Shame on MeTV for hacking these great shows to pieces. SHAME!!!!!
MikeFranklin 52 months ago
Now that is what I'm talking about - 12/12! Kent McCord's age was the one I had to think about for a moment. But got it.
FutureOfficerNathaniel 54 months ago
I live this show so much! It’s inspired me to become a cop! I’m 15, I got 10/12!!!
Pay attention to Adam-12 and Dragnet and you'll make a great cop!
Vixensmom 55 months ago
12/12. I’ve got experience. I’m no fresh-faced recruit. You can say that again. I was already married when “Adam-12” debuted. (Sigh)
EmBee 57 months ago
They also did rear projection for some shots. Also, Malloy had several girlfriends over the run of the show, not just Judy at the end of the show.
JohnGibbons EmBee 57 months ago
Debatable- Malloy has a few dates but not really considered girlfriends.
Adamtwelvia EmBee 14 months ago
I wonder if he would have actually gotten engaged to her if the show ran for one more season.
TinaMarieHaddadRhodes 58 months ago
12/12 of course have loved Adam-12 from the original run... Showing my age...😂
BeverlyLayneBalesBanks 58 months ago
Yay 12 out of 12 but that just shows my age😬☺️
EllisClevenger 58 months ago
You got 11 out of 12
You've got experience. You're no fresh-faced academy recruit!
Missed #8.
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