Can you guess the location of the M*A*S*H novel from the cover alone?

Can you judge a book by its cover?

 Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

The belove M*A*S*H television series was based on a novel. Well, it was based on a movie based on a novel. Richard Hooker (a pseudonym for former military surgeon Dr. H. Richard Hornberger and writer W. C. Heinz) released the book MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors in 1968.

Obviously, it was a hit. As the M*A*S*H TV show launched in 1972, so did a new series of novels continuing the adventures of the 4077th. Which the series stayed in Korean, the thirteen paperbacks published between 1972–77 trotted the globe.

Those used to the show alone might be taken aback at having their favorite characters Hot Lips, Hawkeye and Trapper John attend the American Tonsil, Adenoid and Vas Deferens Society conference in New Orleans. (That was an actual M*A*S*H novel.)

We've gathered some covers of these 1970s best-sellers. Examine the text and art. Can you guess where it takes place?

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  1. "Spirited nuptials north of the border!" It's M*A*S*H Goes to…?
     Image: Pocket Books
  2. This first sequel novel takes place in Hawkeye's home state. It's M*A*S*H Goes to…?
     Image: Pocket Books
  3. "The madcap medics run amok in the Bay City!" It's M*A*S*H Goes to…?
     Image: Pocket Books
  4. "The madcap medics invade Sin City!" It's M*A*S*H Goes to…?
     Image: Pocket Books
  5. "War goes to pieces in Red Square!" It's M*A*S*H Goes to…?
     Image: Pocket Books
  6. Recognize anything on the skyline? It's M*A*S*H Goes to…?
  7. How about this skyline? It's M*A*S*H Goes to…?
     Image: Pocket Books
  8. Where is M*A*S*H now? M*A*S*H Goes to…?
     Image: Pocket Books
  9. "The antic medics invade the citadel of Strauss and Wiener Schnitzel!" It's M*A*S*H Goes to…?
     Image: Pocket Books
  10. Finally, where are the medics now? It's M*A*S*H Goes to…?
     Image: Pocket Books

Can you guess the location of the M*A*S*H novel from the cover alone?

Your Result...

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Moverfan 4 months ago
Favorite part of M*A*S*H Goes To Maine is where the Secretary of State (who's only identified as Tubby) is on a senator's plane and he says he needs to go to Crabapple Cove, Maine. The pilot asks how to get there and after giving it some thought, the Secretary says "Fly to Maine--we'll ask somebody."
WilliamJorns 6 months ago
I've got several of the MASH books - the original novel; Mash Mania; Mash Goes To Maine; and MASH Goes To New Orleans. They're buried somewhere in all my junk. But the titles listed above I never heard of until right now when I took this quiz! I may have to start hunting used-book websites and brick-and-mortar stores to hunt them all down.
BuckeyeBeth7 10 months ago
9/10 I didn’t know there were this many MASH books out there! I really only knew of one or two.
DerekBird 45 months ago
You got 9 out of 10
Well done!
Missed #9
idkwut2use 45 months ago
Missed a couple...kinda thought they might’ve been going for all Ms...
EllisClevenger 49 months ago
You got 9 out of 10
Well done!
Missed #9
JERRY6 50 months ago
9 of 10 first pass of the day , very easy quiz
Randall 52 months ago
9 out of 10, not bad considering I never knew these books existed until today! I consider myself a life long fan of mash. I guess ill have to start looking at goodwill or yard sales!
MeowMeow1962 57 months ago
I've got several of these books. If only I knew where. They were the sort of books that Hawkeye and Trapper would have loved. But, if I remember correctly, neither one was in any of the books.
Moverfan MeowMeow1962 4 months ago
Hawkeye and Trapper are in all the ones I've read.
EllisClevenger 58 months ago
You got 9 out of 10
Well done!
Missed #9.
Randall EllisClevenger 52 months ago
I missed the same one . I was sure it was Munich. They would never have said Berlin because of the cold war
JERRY6 EllisClevenger 50 months ago
morrocco or medina a toss up
EvaSable 59 months ago
Loved this series, have them all. You might know the coauthor of the goes to books better as W.E.B. Griffin...
TheDavBow3 59 months ago
8 of 10! Thanks to some easy clues! I didn't know there were MASH novels.
sandman 59 months ago
DAMNIT!!!!!! This wasn’t a was a geography test!
JaxApollo13 60 months ago
10/10 I have all of them so I may have an unfair advantage.
Lacey 60 months ago
The only book I ever saw on book racks (yes, they were a thing once) was M*A*S*H goes to Main.
I thought it was just an obligatory sequel and never knew there were 12 others out there.
Interesting the stereotypes used on the covers. I am not sure Morocco is a big oil producer, though I could be wrong, but in the 1970s ALL of that part of the world was awash with oil in American's minds.
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