Answer these questions and we'll tell you on which show you should be a guest star

Sometimes guest stars are the best parts of the show.

We love the cast members of our favorite shows, but sometimes it's the guest stars who make an episode soar.

Wouldn't it be fun to be a guest star? You can get all the laughs and attention, but don't have to stick around for the entire run of the series. That's what made The Love Boat and The Carol Burnett Show so great!

By answering these questions, we can tell which show best fits your personality. Will it be a one-off stint, or a longer story arc?
  1. Do you prefer color or black & white television?
  2. What's your favorite genre of television?
  3. Where would you like to go on vacation?
  4. Who's your favorite Brady kid?
  5. If you could win an Emmy Award, what would it be?
  6. In which decade were you born?
  7. What's your dream job?
  8. You have 30 minutes to complete a huge assignment at work. What do you do?
  9. Who's your favorite 'Mary Tyler Moore' character?
  10. Which pet would you like to have?

Answer these questions and we'll tell you on which show you should be a guest star

Your Result...

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DerekBird 38 months ago
You should be a guest star on Gilligan's Island
You love a good laugh and love being in the company of other. Even when things get rough, you focus on the positives.
Mob39 48 months ago
You should be a guest star on The Mary Tyler Moore Show

You can turn the world on with your smile!
EllisClevenger 48 months ago
You should be a guest star on Perry Mason
You love a good legal drama, and there's nothing better than Perry Mason!
Snickers 48 months ago
Gilligan's island,guess I would make a great little buddy for the skipper.
DouglasMorris 61 months ago
I should be a guest star on The Andy Griffith Show!
Runeshaper 66 months ago
You should be a guest star on Perry Mason
You love a good legal drama, and there's nothing better than Perry Mason!
MaryHelen 73 months ago
yep-- love "legal dramas" and watch tons of law and order reruns-- THE ORIGINAL
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