These Clowns Will Take You Down- Beware of the “Killer Klowns from Outer Space”- Tonight!

Posted on February 11, 2023

Boys and girls, moms and dads, children of all ages ( well- maybe not ALL ages- discretion is advised)- we direct your attention to the center ring of MeTV where, tonight, we have one of the strangest group of menaces since- oh, maybe a killer truck ( no, wait that’s NEXT week)– as a small town is endangered by some belligerent bozos from beyond in the popular cult film- “Killer Klowns from Outer Space”!

Yes, as mentioned, we do advise discretion in who watches this film- not just for those who are afraid of clowns, but also for some gore and violence.


We arrive at the small town of Crescent Cove, as the local teens are out to party, raising the ire of the uptight and nasty cop Officer Mooney. The teens head to a popular lover’s lane, only to be bothered by a couple goofballs trying to sell them…ice cream!? While the kids scoff at these bad humor men, one young couple, Mike and Debbie, spot what appears to be a meteor streaking across the sky and coming down to earth not too far away-and decide to try finding it! ( Shades of “The Blob”!)

Already near the landing site is an old farmer with his dog-who has also seen the object and wants to check it out. He finds what appears to be a sort of circus tent-and more than he bargained for!

Mike and Debbie arrive and find the “tent”- and enter it- only to find it is actually some sort of multi-roomed space ship! They soon stumble upon some nasty business involving what looks like cotton candy, and then, the perpetrators- bizarre clown-like aliens who come after them, using strange weapons like a popcorn blaster! The kids escape, but the Klowns (as we shall call them) set out for the town- with evil intentions.

The couple tries to tell the police what they have seen- naturally, mean Mooney will have none of it, and even younger officer (and Debbie’s ex-boyfriend) Dave isn’t buying their story. Mike tries to prove he is telling the truth by bringing Dave to the tent- but it’s no longer there! However, a visit to the lover’s lane turns up some disturbing evidence- including the nasty cotton candy. Dave is beginning to think there is some truth to the story!

He'd know the truth if he were back in town, where some of the Klowns are causing mayhem and claiming unfortunate victims through their mock circus shenanigans- and when they invade the police department and then go after the lovely Debbie- Dave and Mike must set out for an abandoned amusement park-aided by the two ice cream idiots-on a dangerous mission to stop the pernicious Pagliaccis!

Again, let me state that this horror-sci fi-comedy film may not be everybody’s cup of tea -but we have gotten many requests for it through the years. You’ll find it has some unique special effects and unexpected twists, thanks to the creators, the Chiodo Brothers. We’ll explain some background on the film, run down the cast ( including John Vernon, best known as Dean Wormer in “Animal House” plus someone who has appeared a couple times on “Seinfeld”) and show you how clowns have been doing TV for a while now. You’ll see me go through a sort of clown training boot camp, and get another helping of “Spawn of Svengoolie” auditions – including famed actor Doug Jones of “The Shape of Water”, “HellBoy”, etc.-and an interview from last year’s C2E2 with two iconic beautiful brawlers- WWE Hall of Famers Amy “Lita” Dumas and Trish Stratus.

“Killer Klowns from Outer Space” start their catastrophic clowning on MeTV tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central time. MeTV invites you to be on Twitter during the show to do some live-Tweeting- using the hashtag #svengoolie – and contribute to the thousands of fan Tweets that have us trending each week. Our local CW 26 station has another run of the immensely popular “ Creature from the Black Lagoon” at 11 am for those in the Chicago viewing area.


We are solidifying our plans to appear at this year’s C2E2 convention at Chicago’s McCormick Place at the end of March! This will be the first public appearance of 2023 for yours truly, and we hope to see many of you there!

We hope you will join us on METV tonight- for the sinister slapstick of some red-nosed aliens who have some big shoes to fill!

SURVEY: Our goolies that work on creating new Svengoolie products for my store (I have a store?!) need your help. Can you take a few minutes to tell us what product ideas you would be the most interested in us making? You can select as many of the ideas as you’d like, and can even suggest your own! I appreciate you taking a moment to do the survey here:

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 during show

DrFish28136 17 months ago
Speaking of V2 rockets, Paul Allen bought one.
CountCurt 17 months ago
Looking forward to Saturday morning's Wild Wild West. No one will be disappointed with guest villainess Ida Lupino on hand to match wits with James West.
Cartoondave 17 months ago
What are some good movie snacks for tomorrow night I'm probably sticking with the usual skinny pop popcorn and Pepsi no sugar?
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Katink Kyle 17 months ago
Yup! My neighbor suggested a patty melt. I thought about chicken-fried steak, but I haven't ever made it. I think we've settled on a blue plate special kind of open faced hot roast beef sandwich and chocolate cream pie🚗🚛
PatS Cartoondave 17 months ago
We're doing meat loaf (my Mom's recipe) with mashed potatoes, gravy and creamed spinach. And a cherry pie 'cause Presidents' Day is Monday. Typical truckstop food. (We have a book about diners from 1980; a plate dinner like that might run you a whole three dollars...)
Katink 17 months ago
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ihaveamigraine Cartoondave 17 months ago
I could just go down the street and hit the Speedway gas station, and get some great food for a road trip.
Deleted 17 months ago
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Katink 17 months ago
Your contribution has been noted, Kyle! Good night!
Carl_N_Brown 17 months ago
See ya Saturday night?
17 months ago
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17 months ago
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Carl_N_Brown 17 months ago
Looking over the dialog and quotes from DUEL at IMDb and Wiki, it seems no character says "En garde!" or "Touche'!" What kinda duel is that?
daleuhlmann 17 months ago
As many of you know, a train derailment carrying toxic chemicals in East Palestine, OH has led to community and state concerns over contamination of nearby streams and lakes. Already, there have been reports of dead fish and worms.

This whole incident reminds me of a movie like THE HORROR OF PARTY BEACH, which some have described as the first eco-horror movie, even though the trailer calls if "the first horror-monster" musical. I thought that honor went to THE INCREDIBLY STRANGE CREATURES WHO STOPPED LIVING AND BECAME MIXED-UP ZOMBIES.
Carl_N_Brown daleuhlmann 17 months ago
The horror the horror.
TheKodakKid daleuhlmann 17 months ago
Dale, be careful of talking about environmental movies. You might conjure up a rebroadcast of “Frogs” or “Barracuda.”
daleuhlmann TheKodakKid 17 months ago
Oh, no, a thousand times no!
LmerFudd 17 months ago
Will we make 4,000 comments? Inquiring minds want to know.
Carl_N_Brown LmerFudd 17 months ago
We could try.
Carl_N_Brown Carl_N_Brown 17 months ago
I know the admin finds us very trying at times.
abc123 17 months ago
I make no apologizes for my rhymes tonight
They are true, like the sun is bright
Some will have to look up THE word
Others will know, we are nerds
Klaatu abc123 17 months ago
We here, are all members of the Brotherhood of the Nerds. I have no regrets.
Katink abc123 17 months ago
That reminds me, abc! A way to approach the themed food this week could be menu items you can cook on your vehicle's manifold 🚗
VanGooliac Katink 17 months ago
Mmmm….manifold cuisine!
You’ve started a new foodie trend, Katink
Carl_N_Brown VanGooliac 17 months ago
I have heard military personnel talk about cooking food on a hot vehicle manifold. The key is to wrap it well in layers of foil.
Katink VanGooliac 17 months ago
I just googled it, and apparently it is a real thing, VanGooliac😆 There is a cookbook called Manifold Destiny! I also saw an entry for car-b-que🚗🍖
Aceman2 17 months ago
Good luck bloggers and may the best woman win! When and who was the last woman to win the first blogger contest? I’m rooting for a female champion!
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Carl_N_Brown Mikeyyy 17 months ago
Gabste was here a couple of hours ago.
Katink Mikeyyy 17 months ago
And Shayla won once or twice, Mikeyyy☺
Mikeyyy Katink 17 months ago
Oh yeah I forgot about Shayla! I hope she's doing ok.....
Katink Mikeyyy 17 months ago
Me too, Mikeyyy!
Cartoondave 17 months ago
Ever since I started watching reruns of The Beverley Hillbillies something always confuses me, Jed and Pearl are cousins, Jethro is Pearl's son and cousin to Elly May, Granny is Jed's mother-in-law Elly May is Pearl's niece as of Jethro is Jed's nephew phew I think that covers it?
TheKodakKid Cartoondave 17 months ago
In one episode, Jed clarifies that Jethro is his grand-nephew. Given that Pearl (Jethro’s mother) is firmly identified as Jed’s cousin, then Jethro’s father would have been Jed’s nephew.

Therefore, one of Jethro’s grandparents on his father’s side was a sibling to Jed and a cousin to Pearl. So Jethro’s parents were cousins to some degree. That means Jethro was a cousin to himself.

Being from Tennessee, that makes perfect sense to me.
Cartoondave TheKodakKid 17 months ago
Wellllll doggies!
Jack Cartoondave 17 months ago
There’s a genealogy blog, Related How Again?, that has charts diagramming what terms to use for how one person is related to another. As a “concrete” example, the Clampetts and near relatives are used...
Katink Jack 17 months ago
Wow, Jack! What a helpful graphic!
ihaveamigraine Cartoondave 17 months ago
Sitcom families always have complicated family trees.
DrSerizawa 17 months ago
Happy 87th birthday to Mars Attacks actor Jim Brown. He also played lacrosse at Syracuse University. And may have played some other sport.
gabste DrSerizawa 17 months ago
Wonderful football player. He would run dragging three people at his ankles trying to tackle him
LmerFudd 17 months ago
RIP Stella Stevens. It's turning into a sad week for me.
TheKodakKid LmerFudd 17 months ago
That the rate it’s been going lately, there won’t be a star over 50 left by the end of July.
Mikeyyy LmerFudd 17 months ago
Oh man! Stellaaaaaaaaaaaa….
Jack TheKodakKid 17 months ago
No! Not Salma Hayek!!!
Klaatu 17 months ago
I just realized that Godzilla has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame👍.
LmerFudd Klaatu 17 months ago
Next to Raymond Burr's?
scottieO Klaatu 17 months ago
"We're gonna need a bigger sidewalk"
Klaatu scottieO 17 months ago
Ha! That’s what I always wanted to do after the city laid new sidewalks
LmerFudd 17 months ago
Time for a big cheeseburger tonight before Lent begins.
Klaatu LmerFudd 17 months ago
Cheeboiga! Cheeboiga! Chip, no fry! 👍. The old best SNL if you remember.
LmerFudd Klaatu 17 months ago
Oh yes. And Bass-oMatic.
NoPersonalChicks Klaatu 17 months ago
No Coke...Petsi
Jack LmerFudd 17 months ago
Mmmmm! That’s gooood fish!
CrazyK Jack 17 months ago
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