Creatures Hone In on Bones-When Peter Cushing Investigates the "Island of Terror"- Tonight

Posted on April 13, 2024

Tonight on MeTV-find out what it’s like to be trapped on a remote island where we have corpses turning up with one unusual characteristic- which is something they DON’T have! The local authorities become aware that a threat created by science could wipe out the entire population of the “Island of Terror”!

Petrie’s Island ( no relation to Rob –“Hey Rob!” of the “Dick Van Dyke Show”) is an isolated chunk of land completely cut off from the mainland. It only gets occasional visits from supply boats- but it’s also secretly the site of a special laboratory working to find a cure for one of man's most insidious diseases. It's a tragic medical condition, but it’s made worse when the experimentation creates something just as horrid as the illness.

The first indication that something is wrong occurs when a constable finds the body of a missing man that appears to have no skeletal system left in it! No one- including the island's resident doctor- can begin to figure out any logical reason why that would be- and the doctor leaves the island in search of someone who may have the knowledge to help- Dr. Stanley, a brilliant teacher and pathologist. Stanley is somewhat baffled by the situation, and suggests that they consult with a specialist whose knowledge of bones might offer some assistance.

When they arrive at the apartment of that specialist Dr. West, he is just getting rather comfortable with a leggy girlfriend-but despite the distraction, he finds the case just as baffling as his two associates do. In a lucky coincidence, his lady friend happens to be a wealthy heiress and offers her help in getting to Petrie's Island to investigate as quickly as possible, by means of her father's personal helicopter- but there is one condition- SHE must accompany them! Having speed of transport is almost as tempting as the winsome lass, and they depart for the island. As they are dropped off on Petrie’s Island, the copter ends up being called away on business- meaning that our visiting party will have no way off the island for several days.

When the doctors examine a victim’s body, bereft of bones, it doesn't offer any new information- so it is suggested that they call on a prominent disease-researching scientist at his special lab compound on the island. However, a visit to the site reveals no answers- only shocking devastation. Soon, more boneless bodies are being found as well as the shocking answer to what they are looking. The revelation of a strange breed of deadly creatures on the loose, unlike anything ever encountered in nature, becomes even more frightening when these creatures begin to multiply quickly- and threaten to destroy each and every living thing trapped on the island with no means of escape!

The claustrophobic feel of this full-color 1966 British production, along with the horrifically relentless creatures, adds to a tension-filled viewing experience! Peter Cushing stars as Dr. Stanley, outstanding as always, and we'll also introduce you to his fellow cast mates. We’ll also promote a product you may NOT want to have in your kitchen cabinet- have a bonus visit with some bony costars of ours- bring you a song, learn about some travel plans for Gwengoolie- and present a vintage Sven bit unseen for years !

Your visit to the "Island of Terror" begins tonight at 8pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, or check for time and channel in your local listings, or, at . The live-Tweeting during the program continues very heavily every week on Twitter/X - just make sure to use the hashtag #svengoolie .Our Chicago viewers get one more time with “The Time Travelers” at 11 am on our local channel CW 26 !

There are some big plans for special merchandise tied in with my 45 years as the Sven character- including another round of artist’s designed shirts- with some surprises! Keep watching for them -and more- in the MeTV Mall.

Also- we have locked in our schedule for this year’s C2E2 convention at McCormick Place on Chicago’s lakefront at the end of April! We’ll again be doing the celebrity photo ops, as well as a special “45 years” panel-and, of course, doing autograph signings. Check out the information under the “appearances” tab here on our website- or go to . We hope you can join us there!

Tonight, though- you can join us on an island that ends up being far from a paradise- where more than the wings are boneless!

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 during show

1MikeM 3 months ago
...and dat was Charlie Chan Meets Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde...and dat's da name a dat tune!
Catbat 1MikeM 3 months ago
Syop it you 😂 Were's my line?
1MikeM Catbat 3 months ago
Howdy Catbat! Here's to the first of the ol' Lawrence Talbot (Lon Chaney Jr.)
Svenboy 3 months ago
Plan is to be totally moved in tommorow. Glad I decided to stay in so cal. I will sure miss my folks and the dogs. It would have been hard for me to give up Knotts and Disney. I love Knotts and Disneyland and theme parks in general. They are in a different stage of their life now and I am in a different stage of life Than they are. Disneyland is not as important to them anymore. Theme parks are getting harder for them to do. My mom just retired. My first visit to see my parents in their new South Carolina place is set for june. My grandma who is going to be turning 90 later this year through that month out. It would probably be my cousin Britt and grandma and myself who will be visiting my folks in June. Took some pics of my current place for nostalgia. My parents will have 3 bedrooms in their new place. One bedroom will be for them snd one will be guest room and one will be for me. They will always have a room for me if I end up not liking it here.
Klaatu Svenboy 3 months ago
Excellent!! So..,when is the Svengoolie party at your place? I’ll bring brews and Martinis, and we won’t remember a dang thing👍😵‍💫😵‍💫.
Svenboy Klaatu 3 months ago
Ha ha. I suppose we could do a virtual party. No cable yet so I have to watch sven on my phone via the frndly tv app. That’s how I watch Sven these days. I watch a lot on my phone these days due to my poor eyesight. I can’t use my desktop computer anymore due to my eyesight. I need to go back to the eye dr. They said they may have some aids besides glasses to help. If someone has zoom, we could totally have a Sven watch Party on sat.
Katink Svenboy 3 months ago
It sounds like a good plan, Svenboy!
Svenboy Katink 3 months ago
Yep. Hi Katink! How have you been ? What have you been up to these days? Hope all is well.😀
BEATNGU2 3 months ago
BEATNGU2 3 months ago
Not a wolf 🐺 but maybe the closest canine to canus lupus
My beloved Sascha
Tygercat BEATNGU2 3 months ago
Beautiful dog! 😻
BEATNGU2 Tygercat 3 months ago
He’s a big pain in the rear but I still love him
Jack BEATNGU2 3 months ago
Many systematists use _Canis lupus familiaris_ for domestic dogs because of their interfertility with other _C. lupus_ spp.
The1Butler BEATNGU2 3 months ago
Bushy tail dog !
Beautiful, and clearly with the requisite wicked sense of humour.
BEATNGU2 3 months ago
I Think prices have changed a tad
The1Butler 3 months ago
Now turn on 2 tv's in different rooms and turn up Andy Griffith on both , stand inbetween during the whistling theme song ! Mind blowing harmony 🤣
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Catbat The1Butler 3 months ago
Surround sound!
BEATNGU2 The1Butler 3 months ago
My 40 yr old 35” Tube tv 📺 still works Great
The1Butler BEATNGU2 3 months ago
My GE 25in console is a 1980 , was knocked out by lightening and repaired around 98 .
Klaatu 3 months ago
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BEATNGU2 Klaatu 3 months ago
Actually I just prefer my basement away from everyone half bathroom
Peace & Quiet
PARANORMA Klaatu 3 months ago
None of it Top Secret, though.

CountCurt CountCurt 3 months ago
Longer should have been plunger
CountCurt BEATNGU2 3 months ago
In stereo
Klaatu 3 months ago
Going to dinner tonight at a fun restaurant near where I live called Castaway. While everyone enjoys their fun bubbling and smoking cocktails, I’ll be slurping down fresh oysters with a Martini chaser👍
CountCurt Klaatu 3 months ago
I would have made the same choice. I like the others but one is my fill. Now martinis that is another story.
Drang 3 months ago
Fwiw, I still think disappearing posts have as much or more to do with site traffic volumes as with hostile activity, whether by trolls or bots.
Mind you, I'm not saying that trolls or bots aren't targeting us at all
Jack Drang 3 months ago
Wouldn’t that mean we should see lots of posts disappearing during peak site traffic, i.e., during the movie? Are there a lot of disappearances during the movie?
Klaatu Drang 3 months ago
Hey! Don’t discount my conspiracy theories 🤣🤣
Drang Jack 3 months ago
You expect IT to make sense?
Catbat 3 months ago
Just what the well groomed Wolfman needs
BEATNGU2 Catbat 3 months ago
Awesome Product
Awesome Post Catbat
Drang Catbat 3 months ago
"I'm going to grow a beard to look more manly, then drop a fortune on unguents and potions to make it look and smell pretty..."
Drang Catbat 3 months ago
Mind you, if I grew my beard out I'd look like Larry Talbot at the full moon.
Mamootsa Catbat 3 months ago
Here ya go Catbat
CountCurt 3 months ago
Once again so many posts are being deleted. Clearly Perry Mason, Mannix, Cannon and Barnaby Jones have not been to solve this mystery. We may have to call out Dragnet and Mission Impossible to solve this cyber breach.
Mamootsa CountCurt 3 months ago
CountCurt Mamootsa 3 months ago
I am relieved. We are in good hands.
I would be worried if it was Dora from Finding Nemo.
CountCurt 3 months ago

Saw Gwengoolie on Instagram Reelsvengoolie. I thought that the reel was fun and well done. Her spider web dress is great. I wonder who made it. Her make-up is exceptional and flawless. Again, I wonder who did it.
Catbat CountCurt 3 months ago
She's been on the interweb for quite awhile
Catbat Catbat 3 months ago
Pre Svengoolie
Jack CountCurt 3 months ago
I hear there’s this guy in New York who does clothing in a spider web motif. His name is Peter Parker.
CountCurt Catbat 3 months ago
It is true but I never followed.
MrsG CountCurt 3 months ago
💚🖤hubba hubba🖤💚
The1Butler CountCurt 3 months ago
More cleavage!
CountCurt Jack 3 months ago
Peter Parker Haute Couteur.
Klaatu 3 months ago
Drang, here’s an interesting question: Why was your post deleted?????
Klaatu Klaatu 3 months ago
I wonder if an ex-employee had the programming code and just for fun, they’re wreaking havoc on the blog?
Drang Klaatu 3 months ago
Wrong revolution?
Catbat Klaatu 3 months ago
Klaatu 3 months ago
What a terrible nights sleep I had last night😖

For whatever reason, I had a brief thought about my old job doing sales, and I dreamt about trying to squeeze into a group of hipsters discussing with a client who should get the account. I desperately tried, but kept failing. I woke up, had a glass of water, went back to sleep and KEPT dreaming the same dream 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
VanGooliac Klaatu 3 months ago
Or maybe you still have your job in real life and you keep dreaming that you are retired 🤔
Klaatu VanGooliac 3 months ago
Sven soundbyte: OMG OMG OMG!!!
Catbat Klaatu 3 months ago
I do that all the time. Not about sales though,usually.
Svenboy 3 months ago
Had a nice lunch today with my folks and grandma at chilis. Just packed up a couple more boxes to bring to my new place tommorow. Everything else including what is in my shed will go in storage.
Klaatu Svenboy 3 months ago
Hopefully your moving went better than this…
VanGooliac Svenboy 3 months ago
Just don’t hire any movers named Larry, Curly, or Moe.
Svenboy VanGooliac 3 months ago
That’s for sure!😀
Svenboy Klaatu 3 months ago
It did go better than that!😀
PatS Svenboy 3 months ago
Count yourself lucky to still have folks and grandma to go out with. Hope you all continue to get along good and enjoy going out. Not to be taken for granted.
Svenboy PatS 3 months ago
I do consider myself lucky to still have my parents and grandma still around. I hope we all continue to get along too.😀I was not happy about them moving initially snd they initially said I didn’t need to stay in so cal. Our attitudes have changed which is a good thing. I went from not wanting to call or visit them in their new place to wanting to visit and call. I didn’t initially want to move but my new place is I think the best place for me to be for the time being.😀
Klaatu 3 months ago
CountCurt Klaatu 3 months ago
There is some music gold in there. Don’t discount what you have.
HoneyBee456 CountCurt 3 months ago
I have kept all of my cd’s
Klaatu CountCurt 3 months ago
It’s not mine. But I agree…some good stuff in there
Catbat Klaatu 3 months ago
Mine still does
CountCurt HoneyBee456 3 months ago
I think that is great. Lots of memories attached.
CountCurt Catbat 3 months ago
Catbat that is an incredible collection of cassettes.
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HoneyBee456 3 months ago
Interesting man
Klaatu 3 months ago
Was he the father of James Whitmore 🙄🙄 to whom I’ll raise my glass to toast giant ants👍
Drang 3 months ago
Might have been an ancestor.
3 months ago
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BEATNGU2 3 months ago
Watching “House of Dracula” with John Carradine, Lon Chaney jr.
Lionel Atwill, Glenn Strange
Looking at my Universal Wolfman set the initial film “The Wolfman”
Is the only movie where this Monster has Top Billing, The Character is in several other universal Movies but always as Second Fiddle to Dracula, the Frankenstein creature and even Abbott & Costello. There was never a true sequel dedicated
To Lon Chaney Jr’ Wolfman Character. As for Hammer films they only made 1 Werewolf movie
“The Curse of the Werewolf” with
Oliver Reed,
BEATNGU2 BEATNGU2 3 months ago
Great Movie “House of Dracula”
I believe Sven has featured it several times
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