A Mobster is Fission for Revenge with the "Creature with the Atom Brain" - Tonight!

Posted on December 10, 2022

Tonight on MeTV- weird science helps a vicious mobster get revenge against enemies who betrayed him- as dead men are restored to life by atomic radiation! Each one is a walking dead killing machine- and each can best be described as a “Creature with the Atom Brain”!

We are introduced to a crooked nightclub owner- but we don’t get to know him too well, because he is attacked by a hulking individual who claims to be mobster Frank Buchanan. This doesn’t make sense to the victim, since the brute doesn’t resemble that man in the least! The police who arrived at the scene can’t explain why their bullets had no effect on the intruder- and are further stunned by the fact that the intruder’s fingerprints are those of a criminal who is already dead!

Who is the actual Frank Buchanan? We learn he is a dangerous thug who was deported to Europe, where he encountered a scientist experimenting with using atomic power to bring the dead back to life to serve as cheap obedient labor (hope Elon Musk doesn’t get wind of that…). Buchanan hits on a brilliant plan- fund the scientist’s work, bring him back to America, and use atomic zombies to take vengeance on those who crossed him and drove him out of this country. He can even safely remote control these animated corpses to carry out his deadly plans for revenge!


Meanwhile, the police, being helped in this weird case by cop doctor Chet Walker, are confused because blood found at the scenes of murders appears to be- radio-active! When they finally realize that all the victims had ties to Buchanan, they must try to protect his remaining enemies from being killed as well. This is not an easy task, since no one knows how to fend off this unstoppable army of murderous zombies!

This is a unique 1950s horror film, from Sam Katzman, who also brought us “The Werewolf” and “The Giant Claw”. In this encore show recorded in the top secret Sven Cave, we’ll tell you about the cast, play our “Too Drawn Out” drawing game, and have a few highlights from a few years ago at C2E2 (Don’t worry – we still have some from THIS year’s convention that you will see soon!) Doug Graves and I will be preforming a song as well. Plus- Kerwyn presents his annual segment featuring just some of the viewers who dressed up as yours truly for Halloween!

“Creature with the Atom Brain” lumbers onto your TV tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central. MeTV invites you to join the many Sven viewers who live-Tweet during the show on Twitter- just make sure to use the hashtag #svengoolie – and, chances are, just like last week, we may be among the top-trending topics in the U.S. ! Our local Chicago area viewers get another look at the Karloff/Lugosi classic “The Raven” at 11 am on the U. (By the way- for those who had hoped it was the 1960s “The Raven “ with Vincent Price, Karloff, and Peter Lorre- be patient until next year!)


If you are reading this early enough, remember that Sventa Claus will be making his only in person appearance for this year at the Mystic Market at the Growlerhouse Brewery in Tinley Park from 2 to 4 pm this afternoon. Check under the “appearances” tab here on our website for details- and, while you’re at it, check out the “store” tab to order gifts for the upcoming holidays while you still can! And be watching for our ad for the unique Svengoolie pin set, ensconced in a box that resembles my coffin, from Toynk !

Join us tonight on MeTV for a mob of atomic zombies- no relation to the mobs of shoppers currently roaming the streets…or is there?!

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 during show

daleuhlmann 19 months ago
As the seductive Boots is Adele Jergens, who was married to THE AMAZING COLOSSAL MAN, Glenn Langan. She was also in one of director Roger Corman's best early
daleuhlmann 19 months ago
This movie's verbal jokes and gags are almost as good as they were in ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN.
daleuhlmann 19 months ago
What do you want? Spaghetti or a steak?
1MikeM 19 months ago
...and dat was da Creature wit da Atom Brain...and dat's da name a dat tune!
Carl_N_Brown 19 months ago
Saturday's Sventoonie is WILD GUITAR, a 1962 movies chronicling the social devastation that follows when guitars go wild and seduce the Innocents of America into the wantoness of rock'n'roll.
1MikeM Carl_N_Brown 19 months ago
Arch Hall Jr.
Carl_N_Brown 19 months ago
CREATURE WITH THE ATOM BRAIN could be re-released as DAY OF THE LIVING MOB and find a whole new audience.
MrsG 19 months ago
Good luck speed racers ~ will be checking up on You later !
deadringer42 19 months ago
Thank you kodakkid for the Christmas card. And a merry Christmas to you and your family.
And a Merry Christmas to all my Sven family.
TheKodakKid deadringer42 19 months ago
You’re welcome.
Cartoondave 19 months ago
I wonder where else we will see the Svengoolie Christmas sweater, maybe someone will be wearing during the Christmas parade?
Cartoondave 19 months ago
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Cartoondave 19 months ago
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MrsG Cartoondave 19 months ago
They are sure popping in the Fan Gallery , and looking good !
🎩 🎅 ♥️
Drang 19 months ago
I'll be at work, so good luck and take all reasonable precautions during the big race to be first on the new blog!
Drang Drang 19 months ago
[image=https://weigel-comments.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/C6PmD-1671241374-Be Careful Out There.gif]
Engineer_Poelzig 19 months ago
Decompress time.
It's TGIF-Sventicipation evening.
Deleted 19 months ago
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TheKodakKid 19 months ago
When we had The Big Blogcast 4 in Tennessee, we received an Official Proclamation declaring it The Big Blogcast Weekend in Knox County, signed by County Mayor Glenn Jacobs. He’s better known as the wrestler Kane. When Sven showed the proclamation, he also showed pics of him and Kane together at another event.

BTW, we also got a proclamation from Sevier County declaring it The Big Blogcast Weekend there as well, and one from the Governor, declaring that Friday The Big Blogcast Day in Tennessee.
CrazyK 19 months ago
Wow, all that sounds really awesome! I’m happy for you guys!
MrsG 19 months ago
Wow ~ always knew that we were running with a pretty good crowd here !
Cartoondave 19 months ago
KodakKid thanks for the beautiful card hope you have a wonderful Christmas season
TheKodakKid Cartoondave 19 months ago
You’re welcome.
MrsG 19 months ago
As we’ve been pondering ALL the wonderful possibilities with SVENGOOLIE’s extended time , wouldn’t it be cool if a double feature of short films could be considered ~ just saw that THE BOWERY BOYS MEET THE MONSTERS is 65 minutes for example , and there are many like the great old classics , , ,
♥️🎩🖤 Love Yinz ALL *_*
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MrsG Kyle 19 months ago
Thanks PatS and Kyle ~
It’s FUN perusing the possibilities *_*
Kyle ~
I keep picturing You in that winter wonderland ~ You look dang close to the North Pole ~ watch out for Santy 🎅
MrsG 19 months ago
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MrsG Kyle 19 months ago
🤶 But You won’t get Your goodies !
PatS MrsG 19 months ago
I was visiting in Barrow AK -- don't live there -- by February there are a few hours of sun between about 10 and 3, plus lo-o-o-ong dawns and twilights. Yes, it's above the Arctic Circle. On July 4th they don't have firework displays (not dark enough); they have baseball games. Takes tough people to live there! (Or Montana, I'd say. Chicago is slightly better.)
MrsG 19 months ago
Photographs of WAR OF THE WORLDS aliens from South African sea are actually dead aloe Vera plants but sparked alarm !
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Jack MrsG 19 months ago
And scattered about it, some in their overturned pots, some in the now slimy rock gardens, and a dozen of them stark and silent and laid on the beach, were the Aloe Vera—dead!—slain by the putrefactive and disease-carrying spider mites against which their systems were unprepared; slain as the red weed was being slain; slain, after all man’s devices had failed, by the humblest things that God, in his wisdom, has put upon this earth.
MrsG Jack 19 months ago
WOW awesome Jack ~ as always , You shed new light ~ ~ ~
💡*_* 💡
Jack MrsG 19 months ago
It’s just an aloe vera pastiche from near the end of _War of the Worlds_.
MrsG Jack 19 months ago
Gotcha ~ but now I really do have to see WOTW ~
📣 Yo Sveeennn !
deadringer42 19 months ago
Happy Boston tea party day
MrsG deadringer42 19 months ago
Thank You Sir , I think I’ll have some chamomile ~
Been missing You Buddy but was wondering how You could tell that the Bobblehead Fan Photo was as from an airplane (?) ~
Looks like it’s just sitting on an ordinary shelf ~
Anyhoo , Happy Friday too *_*
deadringer42 MrsG 19 months ago
Notice the horizon in the back, spinning propeller on the left, and the aircraft type instruments below. I got my pilots license when I was in high school, 40+ years ago so it was pretty obvious to me.
PatS deadringer42 19 months ago
"Sven is my co-pilot"? Love it how we all have different, um, expertises. Sharp eyes, DR!
CountCurt deadringer42 19 months ago
Does the bobblehead also function as a device to measure turbulance? lol
Jack CountCurt 19 months ago
They measure pitch and roll, depending which way Sven and Kerwyn are looking.
MrsG deadringer42 19 months ago
Thanks deadringer42 , and for posting pic ~ guess what ? Stunad here was looking at the wrong Bobblehead photo !
🙄 duh
Aceman2 19 months ago
Aceman2 19 months ago
Good Morning all. Mrs Aceman is celebrating her 29th birthday for the 39th time today!
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PatS TheKodakKid 19 months ago
When I bought wine in the local grocery store, the manager said he had to see my ID. I said, Doesn't grey hair count? He said, rules is rules, I gotta be sure you're over 21. I said, I've been 21 three times! (Plus a few...) Nyaaahhh, age is a number and I don't play the numbers. Good wishes to Mrs. A.
ihaveamigraine Aceman2 19 months ago
29th birthday for the 39th time? So is she 1,131 years old?
Katink Aceman2 19 months ago
Happy Birthday to the lovely Mrs. Aceman!
1MikeM Aceman2 19 months ago
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Aceman2!
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